Question on VAT increase.


Active member
I was planning to buy my PC before January, however some stuff has happened and I've had to be a good Samaritan and lend some money to someone. I don't know if I'm going to be able to grab my PC before the VAT increase occurs.

I was just wondering if you guys planned on doing any of those "Don't worry about the extra VAT thingy, during post Christmas" sales thing. I know of a few stores friend's work at who aren't charging the extra VAT and cutting a small loss and was just curious if you guys are doing the same?

Normally I wouldn't be so frugal, but for a £1700 pc, it's not a jump I want to have to take.


Bronze Level Poster
Highly doubt it, they have been announcing the VAT increase for a while now. But who am I too say that, maybe.


Active member
Blah looks like I'll have to wire some of the savings that "I wasn't going to touch, unless emergency comes around". Well, not having your new PC is a bit of an emergency isn't it?


Bronze Level Poster
Blah looks like I'll have to wire some of the savings that "I wasn't going to touch, unless emergency comes around". Well, not having your new PC is a bit of an emergency isn't it?

I'd say so, haha. I'm freaking cause I still haven't got mine. :D


Active member
the company themselves may not know as the increase in components vat and importing is set to rise to.