Razer Edge Pro


Prolific Poster

Just wondered if everybody had seen this tablet. Looks pretty dam amazing to be honest. Packed with windows 8, an i7 and a GT 640M it should pretty sufficient for gaming...

Touch screen, keyboard, dual analog sticks or dock it and use controllers...

Seems impressive. Claims it's fully compatible with PC games.

Not bad for $1300... Cough.


Biblical Poster
I'm considering one of those new Nvidia gadgets, project shield. http://www.nvidia.co.uk/object/ces-2013-nvidia-shield-handheld-gaming-jan-6-2013-uk.html

it looks pretty cool, 720p screen and you can link it up to your PC and stream games from the PC to the device, (thus making the pc do the work)

You do need a Nvidia 600 series card though, :(

But maybe later versions will be 1080p? who knows, looks cool though. Mobile way of playing PC games!

Would mean much lower battery life and a thicker tablet as well as more heat produced

I was a little disappointed with this though, although the 640m is ten times the power of the iPad 9, I would have expected at least a 650m and they could have used an i3, seeing as this and i5 both have hyperthreading and only a small difference in clock speed

Would have loved to see an AMD hybrid version as well, for much lower end and a lot lower price, maybe the A8 would have been a good choice, graphics would still be considerably higher than any current tablet out at the moment and for a good few years yet

I think ill wait until 2.0 to consider this


Rising Star
in my opinion your better off with a gaming ultra book / laptop than this razor edge - it looks cool but can you really see yourself buying the accessories and clipping them on to the tablet to play fps games and stuff in public? + the price is ridiculous for what it is. but then razor is a very cool company that make good but over priced gear :p


Life Serving
Would mean much lower battery life and a thicker tablet as well as more heat produced

well, from you tube videos, Nvidia stated that streaming from PC would actually Use less battery because the device isnt doing the processing.


Biblical Poster
Look forward to seeing some of the Tegra HD games available for tegra 4 on android, I was extremely impressed with the detail on some of these games, especially from Vector Inc