Rome Total War 2


Active member
Wondering if anyone would be able to help with this problem I am having,
got a new laptop from PCS and got Rome Total War 2 today, installed it fine did its updates, played the prologue just fine, I shut it down to head off for a bit, came back and now whenever I start up the campaign the campaign map screws up, most the sections are flickering and show nothing but white and black flickering tiles!! I don't understand what could have happened as it was working perfectly before I shut it down for the first time,

iv played around with the graphics settings, made them the best they can be and the worst, makes no change!! changed the resolution, makes no difference!! the only thing that seams to stop it is running the game in a window instead of full screen, this I can live with, but the situation is bugging me, if anyone is having the same problem or has any sort of idea what it may be would you be able to let me know?!?!,

The specs of the computer are more than capable of running this game, Im using 2 x AMD® Radeon® HD 8970M - 4GB DDR5 Video RAM - DirectX® 11, and the processor and ram etc are more than up to it!! as I said before it ran the prologue which involves battles, campaign map etc just fine before I closed it down!!

Thanks Very Much


Bright Spark
I know this isnt a solution, but ive been hearing alot of reports on Rome 2 being extremely buggy for alot of people at various stages of the game. Some problems include, low framerates, textures not loading, random crashes etc.

As long as your video card drivers are up to date and you dont have any problems with other games i wouldnt worry too much. Althought i know how annoying it can be when you just want to play the game.

The only thing i can think of is keep an eye out on the official Rome 2 forums for any patches coming out.


That flickery tile thing has been a longstanding bug with the Total War games since Empire. I'm not sure how to solve it.


Active member
Fair enough, I checked the drivers, they are all up to date, its just strange how it works in a window which is basically full screen but not in full screen mode!! But thanks for the input guys.



Super Star
Fair enough, I checked the drivers, they are all up to date, its just strange how it works in a window which is basically full screen but not in full screen mode!! But thanks for the input guys.


My only suggestion would be to either A) do a driver rollback to the previous version or B) completely uninstall the drivers and install the latest version fresh.

Failing that it's probably a problem on their side.


Bright Spark
You could try disabling crossfire to see if it is a problem with the games implementation of that. Should be able to do it from Catalyst control centre. avatar.....sad afro. :(