RTX 3080


The BSOD Doctor
Far to serious some of the moderators on here. I recieved a PM from one of them for telling them to chill out.
Basically said i was telling them to "shut up" because i told them to chill out and gave me an "official warning" 🤣🤣
Its all abit silly and doesnt look good on PCS at all.
Complaints about the actions of the moderators should be directed via PM to the forum administrator @moosEh.
They cant give you a true estimate as the amount of cards they get each week greatly changes high amounts or low. With the 3080 being labelled a preorder item it wont cone up on your stock shortage emails you would have had a single email about it already.
Yeah, I understand, thank you for clearing it up I guess I'm just getting frustrated at this point.
I'm essentially commenting to be a data point. As It's pretty clear that a rock-solid understanding of when/how/why machines are getting sent is not really being grasped, and the 3080 seems to be the biggest bottle neck for the delays.

I ordered my machine 13/11/20
From what I understand people are seeing machines shipped out around the 50 + day mark.
So I am fairly certain I will see an update for my machine around Mid-to-late January, possibly February.

No this is not Ideal, but It is what it is. Nvidia decided they would release with a sub-par stock and we're all suffering for it. This has caused a ripple effect onto other tech components to substitute or placate the delays. (E.G. Can't get a 3080? Buy the 3090 or a Radeon) Thus bottoming out the entire market. Combine that with Covid protocols, reduced delivery traffic etc and you're looking at a huge back-log across every retailer in the industry. I am not a patient man, but it would help me if you guys were also patient along with me. Solidarity my tech deprived friends.

It's also been made clear from this thread that Changing/Switching out back ordered components puts you at the BACK OF THE QUEUE. (Correct me if I'm wrong here) The real heat for this nonsense should be at the manufacturers on why they are not able to get these components into the hands of willing paying customers. Take care all.

P.S. These forums are very difficult to navigate as an arachnophobe =/
to my knowledge changing your graphics card puts you to the back of the queue, but a motherboard should not especially considering its not a high demand item nor does it have any stock issues anywhere... So I would say you're wrong there. (41 days) is my current waiting time so if people are getting their rigs around the 50-days mark I should have mine then in the next 2 weeks if that's true.. I've also heard today that more stock is rolling out across all 30series... the problem is people don't order from Nvidia they have ordered from pcs and that's why the frustration is aimed at them.... its a simple solution stop taking orders like other sites have.. they keep taking orders knowing they don't have the cards or the means to supply the demands at the moment for said cards..


Bronze Level Poster
o my knowledge changing your graphics card puts you to the back of the queue, but a motherboard should not especially considering its not a high demand item nor does it have any stock issues anywhere... So I would say you're wrong there.
I said "Back ordered components" E.G.: Graphics card.

So not, I'm not wrong.
I said "Back ordered components" E.G.: Graphics card.

So not, I'm not wrong.
But I did not change my graphics card so what's your point? why is that relevant to me in your message? the fact remains the frustration is aimed at them because they continue to take full payments knowing they can't supply the demand at the moment. I'm 3k down right now, I have no idea when I will receive what I paid for in full so im well within my right to be frustrated at them. it's a simple solution stop taking orders for the cards they simply can't provide the demand for.. by doing so it stops people being disappointed and left frustrated 40 to 60 days down the line.. also they should stop sending emails with build dates that ain't true either, it gives a sense of false hope and disappointment ive had 5 build dates in these 41 days ive waited for all lies... So we will see when i reach the 55-day mark if I have mine, if not then ill probably be back to vent my frustration even more, after all, doesn't there T&C state 30 days?


The BSOD Doctor
doesn't there T&C state 30 days?
Yes and no. The Ts&Cs are here: https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/terms/

5.2 Your order will be fulfilled as soon as possible after your Order Confirmation and in any event within 30 days of the date of the Order Confirmation, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

I would have thought (though I'm not a lawyer) that these are 'exceptional circumstances'?


to my knowledge changing your graphics card puts you to the back of the queue, but a motherboard should not especially considering its not a high demand item nor does it have any stock issues anywhere... So I would say you're wrong there. (41 days) is my current waiting time so if people are getting their rigs around the 50-days mark I should have mine then in the next 2 weeks if that's true.. I've also heard today that more stock is rolling out across all 30series... the problem is people don't order from Nvidia they have ordered from pcs and that's why the frustration is aimed at them.... its a simple solution stop taking orders like other sites have.. they keep taking orders knowing they don't have the cards or the means to supply the demands at the moment for said cards..
Which other sites have stopped taking orders on PC builds with 3080's in them.
I've literally just gone to one which seems the bees knees with some on here because they have stock updates and built a pc with a 3080 and put it in basket ready to pay.
What some people don't grasp is they have queues, stock updates for the cards themselves, go to their PC build site and your in the same boat as PCS.
Same with another well known site, the queues and stock updates are for GPU'S, not ones that are involved in a build.
Might be different for some other sites, not checked them all but reading other forums its hardly a bed of roses over there either.


Bronze Level Poster
But I did not change my graphics card so what's your point? why is that relevant to me in your message? the fact remains the frustration is aimed at them because they continue to take full payments knowing they can't supply the demand at the moment. I'm 3k down right now, I have no idea when I will receive what I paid for in full so im well within my right to be frustrated at them. it's a simple solution stop taking orders for the cards they simply can't provide the demand for.. by doing so it stops people being disappointed and left frustrated 40 to 60 days down the line.. also they should stop sending emails with build dates that ain't true either, it gives a sense of false hope and disappointment ive had 5 build dates in these 41 days ive waited for all lies... So we will see when i reach the 55-day mark if I have mine, if not then ill probably be back to vent my frustration even more, after all, doesn't there T&C state 30 days?
I was never talking to you though you replied to me. :|


Active member
I've got a ryzen 3600x, h100i,Gamerock OC 3080, 750w Corsair semi modular. 16gb 3600mhz Corsair vengeance black RGB, 1TB ADATA SSD, 2tb barracuda HD.

A bit off from my ideal spec, but I figured id take the plunge as I might regret waiting. Now just the wait for downloads!
When did you order?


Bronze Level Poster
The main issue I'm having with this delay is that I'm looking at my specs and being tempted to keep upgrading bits and pieces of it :p
Waiting is bad for the purse.


Master Poster
I went for a solid case so it's not so much the shiny as the "this fan will probably slightly improve my temps" :p
With the likes of 3080 etc, that’s really important in picking a solid case with good cooling.

I wonder how many are fitting a £700 / £1600 graphics cards in a £30-£40 case with basic fans and cooling.

or with a cheap 650 W power supply....

(not forgetting paired with 1080p monitor).


Bronze Level Poster
With the likes of 3080 etc, that’s really important in picking a solid case with good cooling.

I wonder how many are fitting a £700 / £1600 graphics cards in a £30-£40 case with basic fans and cooling.

or with a cheap 650 W power supply....

(not forgetting paired with 1080p monitor).
Honestly at this point my build is more fan than anything else! And the longer I wait, the more fans are added :p


We love you Ukraine
Honestly at this point my build is more fan than anything else! And the longer I wait, the more fans are added :p
Be aware that in a proper case designed for airflow, too many fans will actually be detrimental to the airflow design of the case.