Shift 2 FPS issue


Well-known member
Alright everybody,
so yesterday I was asking what games to try to push my rig hard so I thought I would try a few demos like just cause 2 and the benchmark re5 and my rig handled it all with ease I mean I can play crysis with the max super patch and get 60 fps.
Well I just got shift 2, Cranked it up and was shocked to see that I max out at 40 fps, the game don't even look that good, in fact dirt 2 is miles better so whats going on I turned all the AA off and lowered all the settings and i'm still only getting 38-41 fps.
v-sync is off.
any ideas,


Well-known member
OK so from what I have been reading everybody is experiencing low frame rate problems with shift 2. People with gtx570 me with my 5970 any card, it looks like another rushed out game where they get it to market and then patch it after everybody complains.
Well done EA!


You sound suprised? Have you learnt nothing over the years? lol EA are notorious for this kind of crap.
Just another poorly optimised game.


Well-known member
optimized is not a word that I would use lol.
I have to say I keep playing with settings and it seems like the AA is not working correctly because even if I turn all settings to there lowest values but leave AA on normal I get 25 fps however if I turn everything up to max but turn AA off I get 100 fps,
Then I tried everything at max with AA on normal and I get 25-40 fps (hmm now i'm really confused).
It just seems that it has to be the AA has not been coded right because for one AA is not going to drop my cards fps by 75 fps and second my frames wouldn't increase when I put more eye candy on with the AA.
I have got to say that none of this impress's me.


Well-known member
I agree but why bother putting an AA feature on there that doesn't work surely its just a waste of everybody's time.
O yer and Gorman did you get your phone sorted?


Superhero Level Poster
Tis sad but true :(

And its funny that the last bastion of hope for PC Games is the dreaded and much maligned MMORPG genre :) Jebus help us if thats all we'll have left!

(For reference, EVE, WoW, LotRO and PotBS are installed on my current PC and as such I am legitimately allowed to moan about MMOs :) )