So the LONG painful wait begins :(


The last month or so I've decided to get back into PC gaming :)

l currently own a non gaming laptop and a PS3.
But after watching hours of Arma3,Battlefield 3 and Planetside 2 footage on Youtube I cant take my mind off a gaming rig!!
Also Steam looks amazing with great deals around it seems.

My last rig was bought from PC specialist in 2008! (sold in 2010 when l had kids...but have the space in our new house now)

BUT with no option to pay with finance l will have to save up to buy the rig! :(
l have £200 saved ATM and want a rig in the region of £1200-1400 inc monitor.

This looks like it will take me 6-8 months to reach...Nooooooooooo!!

Might sell a kidney if anyone needs one :D

NEVER leaving PC gaming again!


Rising Star
You should be able to get a really decent one for that, really, I'd say it's worth the saving wait! Mine was some above the highest range of what you want to spend, including mouse/keyboard, monitor, Homeplugs and speakers, managed to fit an i5-3570 + 120GB kinston SDD/1TB Caviar black with GTX 670 and runs good enough for me. :D

Stay strong! :D


Thanks :D

It's gonna be hell waiting but worth it!
I'll be asking for help on these forums when im a week or 2 away from ordering :)