Software transfer from old to new PC?


New member
My 7 year old PC is about to die, and I'm in the process of delving through the minefield of renewing. However there are a number of myths or fact I need to find the answer to if I can, they are -
1. I have MS Office on my PC - I don't use it a lot however it is really useful to have. I currently use Windows Vista Home Premium. It was pre-installed and I guess I do not have any activation code.
2. For email I use Windows Internet Explorer, did that become Internet Explores Express, did that become Window Mail, Who knows! I mean I use an internet explorer thingy on my PC and not via my internet provider web site TalkTalk unless I am away from my home PC.

So if you understand all that - if I get a new PC can I transfer MS Office (1), and the internet Explorer/Mail (2) onto my new PC without having to pay again for the software?

Appreciate any advice/help.
Floundering Mal


KC and the Sunshine BANNED
Office - doubtful

Email - easy to set up (is your email provided by your internet service provider or just a free sign u company online?)

What's your budget for new PC and what's it for?


There isn't any email client called Windows Explorer. 'Internet Explorer' is the internet browser made by Microsoft. The Microsoft web based email client is now called (formerly hotmail (hotmail addresses still work)). The Office email client is called Outlook. Outlook Express is an older thing that was bundled with certain old versions of Explorer and Windows. Outlook Express, like Outlook, is something that sits on your PC (Outlook is part of MS office which you have to pay for), although both have to communicate with an online server. Things like or gmail are web based clients which you log into via a browser and store all your mail on a web server. You can configure web based clients to automatically send mails to a client held on your PC (I have a rather convoluted set up where I use a address which sends mails on to which sends the mails on to Outlook on my PC).
Internet Explorer is free, as I think all browsers are. is free. You can access through any browser.

'Outlook Express is no longer available or supported by Microsoft. We can help you move your emails and contacts to'
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We love you Ukraine
Outlook express was replaced by windows mail which is included in windows 8, worth also mentioning, it doesn't support pop3 which is the older mail delivery protocol, only IMAP and exchange which most providers have these days.
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