Spare Graphics Card uses


Silver Level Poster
So, I'm getting the EVGA GTX 570, and may go SLI with it in a couple of years, but until then I'll have just the one. So, I was wondering what I can do with a 256MB old graphics card. I bought it for my old computer but it didn't fit. So it's just lying around.. pointlessly. Could I dedicate it to PhysX? It seems like it WILL be able to fit in my new MoBo.. So, should I install it along with my GTX 570 and dedicate it to PhysX or can you guys think of another use for it? Or, should I just throw it out.

Thanks in advance.


You could do that but the PhysX in the 570 will just pretty much blow it out the water apparently as old gpus aren't worth using as dedicated phy cards and Gorman had a review of it somewhere on this forum so you could or try sell it perhaps like on ebay or someone you know with a low end system used for normal everyday use or hold onto it for future references?

Drunken Monkey

Author Level
Gorman had a review of it somewhere on this forum ?

That review made me laugh lol... trying to find it again for the last 5 minutes didn't ;(
