Steam Refunds


Biblical Poster
Thing is, BF4 seems more like a personal preference than "unplayable" surely...have you been able to play? If yes, then not sure any amount of badgering will get a refund ...

I was able to play Singleplayer reasonably well, but multiplayer still runs bad and has a terrible delay. Besides I was complaining more about the new need for speed which runs even worse and is terribly optimized, its giving me 20fps yet my GPU isn't even averaging 50% usage. And then the game will crash -.-

I'm not sure whether this problem is to do with their engine (Frostbite 3) or the publisher, EA.


Biblical Poster
Update guys

Ok so, I am unable to get a refund on Battlefield 4 due to it being purchased from Amazon, I'll talk to them at some point but I don't think they will refund it

And Need for Speed I just got a refund for :D After the woman who said she would email me yesterday never did I phoned again just now and explained how annoyed I was, the guy understood and gave me a refund (the game has already disappeared from my library, but up to 5 working days for the refund) even though the one I was talking to yesterday said that a refund could not be given after 7 days of playing the game

So, I'm a bit happier now, just got back £40 back, I'll buy it again in a few months for £20 when hopefully the game is fixed

Drunken Monkey

Author Level

Almost everyone is free to request a refund via Steam's help page, but there are a few conditions. Refunds apply to games, software, pre-orders, DLC, and bundles, but not movies. If you have a VAC ban registered for the game you're trying to refund, your request will be denied for that specific game.
To apply for a refund, you must submit the request within two weeks of your purchase, and have less than two hours of playtime registered for that game.


Biblical Poster
Good to see Steam have finally decided to be a bit more considerate of their users. It's a bit late but I guess better late than never. Now if only it would allow me to get a refund on any game with under 2 hours playtime haha!


Biblical Poster
Been thinking about this some more and this is good for everyone except those trying to con consumers through broken or just awful games.

The indie developers with good games should get more income because people are able to take risks without it costing anything.