Struggling Very High/Ultra - FarCry 3


Bronze Level Poster
Running FarCry3 on very high/ultra settings causes a pretty low FPS for me (still playable, but the difference can be noticed). I have a Intel i5 3570 & GTX-670 card. With the settings set to high it runs fairly OK. Any solutions or reasons for this? Thought my machine would be able to max this game.

Its no biggie, just wondering!

Thanks :turned:


Some Far Cry 3 benchmarks here

Suggest at 1920x1200 you should get 47 FPS with a GTX 670 (probably a few more if you're running at 1920 x 1080)


What FPS are you getting out of interest?


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I refer you to the post I made a few days ago in response to a question by Ellspeedy regarding FC3 settings:

but for convenience ill just copy/paste what I said here:

Ok so here are the settings I run with for Far Cry 3 bearing in mind my GPU is a GTX670.

One tip is to run the game from the file :\Ubisoft\FarCry 3\Bin\farcry3_d3d11

I read this allows for better usage of the DX11 engine while playing the game. I do not know if this is true but it works for me just fine and i do notice it runs smoother.

Resolution - 1600x900
V-sync - ON
gpu max buffered frames - 1 (1=60fps, 2=30 fps limit)
widescreen letterbox - OFF
directx - 11
msaa anti-aliasing - OFF
aplha to coverage - OFF
ssao method - HBAO
field of view - default

And video quality

textures - High
ambient lighting - High
shadow - Med
post fx - Med
geometry - High
vegetation - High
terrain -High
water - High
environment - High

The settings that effect performance the most are "Shadows" and "Post FX". Both those settings have a HIGH impact on fps in game. By lowering those two settings you will notice the biggest improvements in your FPS. Also setting SSAO to HBAO will give better results for your fps with little quality difference.

On my setup i managed 120fps with vsync off but i limit my rig to 60fps with vsync on, as i notice no benefit above 60fps and i dont like the occasional gfx tear that i see without vsync.


Bronze Level Poster
Thanks for your replies both!


High: 30-50fps.
Very High: 25-30fps.
Ultra: 25-30fps.

Everon thanks i'll give that a shot.


All sorted! Oh my god it runs so smoothly now, thanks a lot for your help guys, can properly enjoy the game now!
Running at 40-55fps on ultra.

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Still seems a bit odd, I'm playing at 1920 x 1080 with the settings on ultra with shadows and post fx on max and i rarely go below 50fps with the same gpu and cpu as you.


Bronze Level Poster
Still seems a bit odd, I'm playing at 1920 x 1080 with the settings on ultra with shadows and post fx on max and i rarely go below 50fps with the same gpu and cpu as you.

Yeah I thought it was too just had to change a few settings, sorted now running at around 50fps!


Prolific Poster
Have you both got the same drivers installed? I know that alot of Nvidia's recent drivers have been focusing on optimising Far Cry 3 which could be causing a difference?


Bronze Level Poster
Yes, I'm up to date with the drivers, just lately I seen the notes for it and FarCry3 was pretty much the priority. All is well now though, running at 50fps+ .