The Forest, Sons of the Forest


Behold The Ford Mondeo
Anyone had a go at this? I saw a clip of the latter yesterday and I thought it looked good. Atmosphere seemed tense with a good mix of action and horror in play.

I really enjoyed stranded deep so this seemed like another level altogether. Strangely I hadn't even heard of them until now though. Just wondering what peoples thoughts are. Appreciate Sons is quite new but guessing the older game will have a similar feel.


Prolific Poster
not played it but below are a walk through video of the game to get a better feel of it



We love you Ukraine
I used to watch a streamer who played The Forest regularly....can't say it ever appealed to me but they always had fun. Always struck me as one of those games that is infinitely more fun playing with a group of people rather than solo
I bought the first when it was in Alpha because I wanted to support them. Have never played it, but the premise looked really promising, and I just liked their attitude. The first one was pretty popular obviously if they've managed to scale up to this second. Apparently the first game had 40,000 separate elements, this one has 2 Million. That's pretty impressive.
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Behold The Ford Mondeo
I loved stranded deep, so I think that's what the appeal is. That and it looks like a pick up and play style game, which is what I always need.