
looking to buy my son his first pc so want something good that will last a while before changing any parts. any help would be great



Bronze Level Poster
Can you post the configuration link?
The 5700G has integrated graphics, which you probably won't need if you're getting a separate GPU like the 3060, so may be better off with a 5600x or 5700x. A better cooler may be an idea - the 5600x runs quite cool (I think the 5700x does as well but not sure), so a Hyper 212 air cooler would do the job.
A bigger (500GB) and faster m.2 SSD for the OS would be recommended, but would bring the cost up. These drives don't run as well as they get fuller, so a 500GB drive would give you breathing room.
A better PSU would be recommended as well (Corsair RMx range, min 750w - the CV series isn't ideal for a gaming PC).
With a Ryzen you will want to look at faster RAM - look for 3200MHz or better (doesn't usually cost a huge amount more).
The 802.11N wireless network card is obsolete - the much more up to date Intel AX200 doesn't cost much more and will be much better.
What sort of monitor (resolution / refresh rate) will they be using?


I would want to rebuild this from the ground up to be honest, there’s quite a few areas I would change.
Please can you tell us your budget, use case, and the monitor that you’re pairing with this, and we can try and spec out something a bit more suitable for you.