Upgrading laptop GPU


New member
Hey this is just a complete random query.

I have an Vortex II 15 from May with a GTX 460m as its GPU. Currently the 460m is awesome, it may not be the newest chip around what with the new gtx 500 series flying around but it can still run any game on at least high (that I've tried).

My question is a year/two years down the line when it's starting to age is there any way to replace it?

Would for example nvidia's recent cards be compatible?



Staff member
At present we can buy in new GPUs to order (4 - 6 weeks lead time) and if you decide that you would like to upgrade in 2 - 3 years time we can look at the available models and check compatability. You can definitely upgrade to the 5xx series (should they still be available in 2 - 3 years time), and unless the form factors/TDP requirements change on future models, I imagine the 6xx or 7xx may also be compatible.

However, given that nothing new has been announced, my comments are based on speculation, and no guarantees of upgradeability can be made. :)


New member
ah cool. I thought upgrading to the 5xx series was likely to be possible because they're based on the same architecture I think. But to the 6xx or 7xx if that worked that could be seriously cool.