uPoo - Join the movement.


Prolific Poster
So with me being ill and off work for so long I have a lot of free time. Needless to say I got bored pretty quick. I had an idea for a mobile app - but have no idea how to make one. So I used this site that I guess kind of works like a 'Kickstarter'. It would be great if you could support it :)

It's pretty stupid and pointless so I understand if you can't be bothered...! :p



Prolific Poster
Whilst I hope they don't feel the need (eek!) I can appreciate why you would think that :p

So far it has one supporter! Which is me. Haha!


Superhero Level Poster
I know it is pretty cliche, but I just can't decide if this is completely insane or a stroke of genius :) All I will say Nathan is please keep coming up with ideas like this while you are off work! Because hopefully you won't be off too much longer, and then you'll regret not coming up with your million dollar idea :D (not sure uPoo is the one, but you never know..)