USB Type A plugged in wrong way, now powers down laptop when cable connected

I have a laptop made by PC Specialist in mid-2014.

It uses a Clevo MS-1492 chassis/motherboard.

A few months ago, I was easily able to (accidentally) connect a USB Type A cable into one of the USB 3.0 ports upside down without any resistance.

When Windows didn't tell me a device was connected, I checked, realised the cable was connected upside down and connected it the right way up.

The port works but if you put any pressure on the connector in any way (from above or below, for example), the laptop cuts out instantly.

Any idea why this may be happening? Perhaps a short somewhere?

I have included a few photos that may prove useful.

eb_laptopusb1.jpg eb_laptopusb2.jpg eb_laptopusb3.jpg eb_laptopusb4.jpg

If you need better photos, let me know.
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