Vortex IV LE bluray drive

The Dood

Just wondering if anyone has had any issues with the above? Tried installing Mass Effect 2 & Skyrim and the drive doesn't recognise the disks on either of them - most other things seem OK and I've got round the problem by downloading through steam/origin but it seems a bit odd nonetheless.


dont know why nobody has replied to you. Perhaps try checking if there is an update driver? Otherwise install the original DVD drivers too? I know the drivers can be awkward but from time to time, the Bluray drivers may only be for blu-ray disc support. Just an idea


The BSOD Doctor
Are the disks you're using genuine purchased disks or are the copies or disk written from downloads? It's not unusual to find disks written on one computer to not be recognised properly on another. Generally the -R disks are more compatible than the +R ones.

Edit: Sorry, ignore that. I forgot they were BluRay disks. :eek:

The Dood

yeh, blurays play just fine as do retail film DVDs - the only probs I've had are with purchased versions (on DVD format) of Mass Effect 2 & Skyrim... very strange