warning before I send Emails with special information in outlook


New member

I think I have sended a email to a wrong person with my credit card number. And that reminds me how dangerous it is if I send some more important information to wrong people. For example, the password.

So I'm thinking if I can get a warning when I'm sending a email with special information , for example, my credit cards, password, phone number. Is it possible in outlook 2010?


The BSOD Doctor
I don't use Outlook but I very much doubt it can do what you want. This is because passwords and credit card numbers just look like message text, there is nothing special enough about them to trigger an Outlook warning. The solution is to become more disciplined in yourself, whenever you find yourself typing a password or a credit card number train yourself to stop and ask yourself 'do I really need to be doing this'?

You could compress the password or credit card details into a zip file and send that as an attachment, that would be far better than sending them in plain text, but even in a password protected zip file they are still not 100% secure (and how do you then securely send the zip password to the recipient?)....

I never send passwords or credit card details via email, nor anything else that would be dangerous in the wrong hands.


Prolific Poster
I agree with Ubuyusa - never send sensitive information via email. It's not encrypted for one thing (the connections might be between mail servers but that's it - it's not encrypted at rest).

The closest you could do is set up a rule to move what you have already decided is sensitive information and move it to a folder in Outlook for review.


New member

As below adviced, you'd better not send sensitive information via email, but if you really need a warning before I send Emails with special information in outlook , you can do that with Outlook VBA. And below is a macro which is close to what you need, you can try

First, you have to specify your private information in a excel file, first column with the name of information such as " credit card ", second column with the details such as credit card number .

Then run this macro. Please note to change the Excel file path to your real file path in code "strExcelFile = "E:\MyPrivacy.xlsx" "

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal objItem As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim strItemBody As String
Dim strExcelFile As String
Dim objExcelApp As Excel.Application
Dim objExcelWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim objExcelWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim nRow, nColumn As Integer
Dim strSensitiveInfo As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim nResponse As Integer

strItemBody = objItem.Body

'Specify the source Excel file
strExcelFile = "E:\MyPrivacy.xlsx"
On Error Resume Next
Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objExcelWorkbook = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(strExcelFile)
Set objExcelWorksheet = objExcelWorkbook.Sheets("Privacy")

nRow = 1
nColumn = 1
Do While objExcelWorksheet.Cells(nRow, nColumn) <> ""
strSensitiveInfo = objExcelWorksheet.Cells(nRow, nColumn)

'Check if the email body contains the private information
If InStr(strItemBody, strSensitiveInfo) > 0 Then
strMsg = "The current item contains sensitive information. Do you still want to send it?"
nResponse = MsgBox(strMsg, vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "Check Sensitive Information")
If nResponse = vbYes Then
Cancel = False
Cancel = True
End If
Exit Do
End If
nRow = nRow + 1
nColumn = nColumn + 1

More details here


Hope it helps.
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Also go request a new card in the bank and when it comes, get this one cancelled immediately. Explain to them the situation and reason for the new card, they will understand. Monitor your card transactions in the meantime and if anything new comes up, flag it to the bank immediately as they should already be aware of your situation.

Moral of the story, dont send sensitive information by email to anyone! Even if they request by email, call them directly and verify you're talking to the right person before sending anything.

Please and thanks.


The Awesome
To offend that 1 woman who uses the forum :surrender:

Haha, though I generally see 'hello guys' when used like that as being akin to 'hello everyone' - just with less letters :), anyways there's got to be more than one women on the forums, I can't be the only one :p
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The BSOD Doctor
Haha, though I generally see 'hello guys' when used like that as being akin to 'hello everyone' - just with less letters :), anyways there's got to be more than one, I can't be the only one :p

Yep, as far as I'm concerned 'guys' is now a gender-neutral term. In any case, whilst I know few men who would object to being galled 'a guy' I know several women who would object to being called 'a girl'. Mind you, I know a few who don't like being called 'ladies' or 'women' either.

I'll just crawl back under my stone now..... :surrender: