Water Cooling Help


I want to configure a gaming PC on this site but when I get to CPU cooling I am a little bit confused. The only options for CPU cooling except the default fan with the CPU itself are water cooling systems. The thing is I have no idea how they work even though I want one. Would I have to do maintenance on my PC if I had water cooling? Do PC Specialist include detailed instructions on how to get the water cooling working when you receive the PC?


Life Serving
there should be the triple copper cooler available too, small-mid range air cooler, which is more than good enough at stock speeds.


Gold Level Poster
If you really want water cooling its easy, no maintenance required, will work straight away when you get your PC. Works a bit like a car cooling system, rad with fan(s), pipes with coolant going to CPU, pump on CPU pumping coolant to rad to be cooled then back to CPU, simples :yes: just dont pick the H40, cheap (noisy) constantly running fan, go H60 min. I have the Corsair H60 and am getting max CPU temp of 50c when gaming and 30c idle and its all nice and quiet :yes:
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If you really want water cooling its easy, no maintenance required, will work straight away when you get your PC. Works a bit like a car cooling system, rad with fan(s), pipes with coolant going to CPU, pump on CPU pumping coolant to rad to be cooled then back to CPU, simples :yes: just dont pick the H40, cheap (noisy) constantly running fan, go H60 min. I have the Corsair H60 and am getting max CPU temp of 50c when gaming and 30c idle and its all nice and quiet :yes:

For comparison (I have the H40), the fan is indeed very noisy as it is 3 pin and stuck at a permanent 2000rpm (ish). I just replaced with a 4 pin (£10) and it is much better. Max temp the CPU has hit is 57c in very demanding games, although I haven't meddled with the fan speeds yet...I think it should be ramping up earlier. The max using the previous fan was approximately 54c.

Also, I'm not sure if the temp of different CPUs are comparable...anyone??