Web Site Comments - Constructive Critisism!

Not yet received my laptop yet, but regarding the website:
All looks very good to me. Couple of minor things:
1. Not obvious which credit cards are accepted until I get through to purchasing. Why not include one of those credit card logo things on the main page?
2. No obvious navigation back to the main web pages from the forum......although clicking on the pcspecialist logo does take you there.
3. The main page assumes that I need a gaming PC basically. Will other customers who have got turned of by PC World and similar web sites, but not neccesarily looking for a gaming PC be put off by the over emphasis on gaming? Seem to be quite a few customers in the forums who want for example video, digitial imaging PCs - why not give them an intuitive route in?

The track the build and associated e-mails to update customers are really good. Someone's thought hard about that and developed a good process.
I hope my actual laptop lives up the service I have received so far - excellent.


Bright Spark
Not yet received my laptop yet, but regarding the website:
All looks very good to me. Couple of minor things:
1. Not obvious which credit cards are accepted until I get through to purchasing. Why not include one of those credit card logo things on the main page?
2. No obvious navigation back to the main web pages from the forum......although clicking on the pcspecialist logo does take you there.
3. The main page assumes that I need a gaming PC basically. Will other customers who have got turned of by PC World and similar web sites, but not neccesarily looking for a gaming PC be put off by the over emphasis on gaming? Seem to be quite a few customers in the forums who want for example video, digitial imaging PCs - why not give them an intuitive route in?

The track the build and associated e-mails to update customers are really good. Someone's thought hard about that and developed a good process.
I hope my actual laptop lives up the service I have received so far - excellent.

alot of sites do the logo/main page link like youtube etc so you should assume if you cant find one,thats where it is and the first time i went on the website its easy to figure out and on the home page there are links for gaming pcs/video editing pcs and if you go on the laptops/computer tabs they show you what they are best suited towards eg: mobility,intensive use and gaming.I personnaly think they offer enough options and i dont realy think the home page screams gaming pc when you look at it and also features the build your pc in 5 easy steps where you can select if usage for the pc.
About the first one,If your not buying anything why would you need to know what cards they accept?
You only realy need to know when you purcase your machine?They probbaly could feature some of the cards they accpet and realy wouldent do much harm but i dont think its worth it that much.
My oppinon :p


Superhero Level Poster
I would disagree all the options are geared towards gaming. There are plenty of builds that are for basic use, and as far a video/digital imaging...I am pretty sure you can set one of them up in the Configuratron quite easily...not really sure what extra bits/less bits you would want for those purposes.


The Awesome
3. The main page assumes that I need a gaming PC basically. Will other customers who have got turned of by PC World and similar web sites, but not neccesarily looking for a gaming PC be put off by the over emphasis on gaming? S

I would disagree all the options are geared towards gaming. There are plenty of builds that are for basic use, and as far a video/digital imaging...I am pretty sure you can set one of them up in the Configuratron quite easily...not really sure what extra bits/less bits you would want for those purposes.

I think the point that BarryC1234 was trying to make was that on the main page in the custom desktop choices, which is the first thing you see, it has are intel gaming pc, amd gaming pc, 3d vision gaming pc,sli ready gaming pc and crossfire ready gaming pc, so its looks very gaming PC orientated, yes you can configure to whatever to want, but from first impressions it looks mostly gaming based.
It's not til you get down to the last box which has the specialist desktop pc's, and this can be overlooked completely, personally I didn't even notice it til I was in the middle of writing this :)
I think the point that BarryC1234 was trying to make was that on the main page in the custom desktop choices, which is the first thing you see, it has are intel gaming pc, amd gaming pc, 3d vision gaming pc,sli ready gaming pc and crossfire ready gaming pc, so its looks very gaming PC orientated, yes you can configure to whatever to want, but from first impressions it looks mostly gaming based.
It's not til you get down to the last box which has the specialist desktop pc's, and this can be overlooked completely, personally I didn't even notice it til I was in the middle of writing this :)

Indeed. You have to look from the customer's point of view, not our own.
In fact, in summary I would say (with the qualification that my laptop is still to be delivered!) that this oultet looks very impressive. Good process, excellent reviews, but would suggest that business may be being lost because of the front end. Let me know if you'd be interested in a detailed review.


Staff member
In fact, in summary I would say (with the qualification that my laptop is still to be delivered!) that this oultet looks very impressive. Good process, excellent reviews, but would suggest that business may be being lost because of the front end. Let me know if you'd be interested in a detailed review.

Hello Barry

We always appreciate feedback and at the end of the day the customer is always right! :)

On our homepage we do lean towards gaming systems because this is a reasonable percentage of our turnover. However we do also offer links to "Specialist Desktop PCs" which includes Flight Simulator PCs, Video Editing PCs, Quadro PCs and Multi-monitor PCs. We will take your feedback into consideration when we next consider amending our homepage - thanks for this.