Wierd things happening


Silver Level Poster
I am sorry you feel I am close to tarnishing OCS reputation, but as an open forum we should be able to offer our own experience good or bad, otherwise what is the point of the forum?
However I will not make any further remarks on this forum as to the reputation of PcS, but I will through other independant forums and trade magazines as I feel it my duty as a consumer to reflect experiences either good or bad
I heard on the BBC news this morning that 55 million complaints were received in the UK during 2016 about customer services and a third felt they had to make a fuss to receive the correct service respose, they cannot all be wrong.
Again I apologise for being negative.
I will not post again


Multiverse Poster
I am sorry you feel I am close to tarnishing OCS reputation, but as an open forum we should be able to offer our own experience good or bad
That's fine.

Nobody's asking you to not post negative experiences.

It's the bits where you imply PCS are lying and basically crooked without any actual evidence.

If you stick to the facts I'm sure everyone would be interested to see how this progresses, for better or worse - though obviously everyone here very much hopes for the better after all you've already experienced!


The BSOD Doctor
I am sorry you feel I am close to tarnishing OCS reputation, but as an open forum we should be able to offer our own experience good or bad, otherwise what is the point of the forum?
However I will not make any further remarks on this forum as to the reputation of PcS, but I will through other independant forums and trade magazines as I feel it my duty as a consumer to reflect experiences either good or bad
I heard on the BBC news this morning that 55 million complaints were received in the UK during 2016 about customer services and a third felt they had to make a fuss to receive the correct service respose, they cannot all be wrong.
Again I apologise for being negative.
I will not post again

That's fine.

Nobody's asking you to not post negative experiences.

It's the bits where you imply PCS are lying and basically crooked without any actual evidence.

If you stick to the facts I'm sure everyone would be interested to see how this progresses, for better or worse - though obviously everyone here very much hopes for the better after all you've already experienced!

Indeed and its not my wish to censor anyone but we have rules for a reason.
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Silver Level Poster
Perhaps you could identify the bits where as you state
"It's the bits where you imply PCS are lying and basically crooked without any actual evidence"
They are your words not mine I have merely pointed out the facts as they happened.
You mentioned "crooked and lying" not me.


Multiverse Poster
Perhaps you could identify the bits where as you state
"It's the bits where you imply PCS are lying and basically crooked without any actual evidence"
They are your words not mine I have merely pointed out the facts as they happened.
You mentioned "crooked and lying" not me.

You are implying it.


Multiverse Poster
Just another amazing coincidence which is something I find hard to believe like the very part I disputed the quality of and then it gets accidentally damaged by PcS to which they have to repair for free, along with the others parts I qestioned being repaired as gesture of goodwill and then all the disputed parts and the repaired laptop sent back to me so I can take them all to an independant technician so I can submit my findings to PC Advisor for them to publish, and the laptop goes mysteriously missing??
Naw I really don't believe this amount of coincidence
I find hard to believe like the very part I disputed the quality of and then it gets accidentally damaged by PcS

but how conveinient that I now cannot investigate the initial question of poor build quality ??

That amounts to innuendo and suggestion rather than fact. Where you said you were finding it hard to believe various statements by PCS does seem like you're accusing them of lying.

I'm not white-knighting for PCS, I'm just saying that pointing out facts such as "The laptop did not arrive. DPD claim that they handed the laptop to you but did not do so." are fine.

Innuendo and/or accusations you can't really back up e.g.

PCS will do all they can to absolve themselves of their responsibility
I find hard to believe like the very part I disputed the quality of and then it gets accidentally damaged by PcS ... so I can take them all to an independant technician so I can submit my findings to PC Advisor for them to publish
where you're very clearly implying PCS are engaged in some kind of very elaborate cover-up operation is probably over the line.

I've not worked in law enforcement, but I have worked in what might best be described as consumer advice and advocacy, and in a very specific field of politics where a big part of the job was sifting through lies and shoddy information that individual members of the public were being subjected to by government agencies and the private sector. I don't claim my employment history makes me an expert on PCS or your case, but it does lead me to suggest that accusing people of lying is a lot more effective when you can prove it.

I have had issues with PCS, issues which could be viewed as showing failures in their build processes and failures in the quality control processes (at least as far as this desktop was concerned). There was also at least one RMA where issues failed to be resolved. But if they'd shipped the PC back to me and it had gotten lost I would have concluded crass stupidity on the part of PCS and/or the courier rather than sabotage. They ultimately fixed everything and my PC has since been largely fine. The PSU then died outside the warranty period - but I've had PSUs in computers I've built myself snuff it too, so that's just bad luck.

The laptop I got from PCS is also still going strong; the screen failed during the warranty period - I've had laptop screens fail before so I don't blame PCS on that one - they fixed it and it's been fine ever since.
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