Windows 10


The BSOD Doctor

No need to apologise, I'm always happy to be proven wrong or to learn new stuff. :)

This doesn't answer my original questions though which is "will Microsoft make a Windows 10 .iso available?". Currently it's only available as an upgrade which means that a clean-install means installing Windows 7/8/8.1 first and then upgrading. And how will that work after the 12 month free period?

Clearly it makes sense for Microsoft to make a .iso file available for clean Windows 10 installs and perhaps they will after the first 12 months, or hopefully earlier? IN the meantime I still plan to follow the upgrade path I described so I'm able to do an effective clean install at any time. You pack your own parachute remember. :)


The BSOD Doctor

Many thanks Pagey. After trawling through that thread I finally came across this which gives the definitive answer:

You will be able to download the update through Windows Update or you can download .ISO media and use it do an in place upgrade. For many persons, using ISO media will be the preferred method since you will have a backup copy for reinstall purposes if needed.

It was always likely that they'd offer an .iso but it's good to see it in black and white. :)

Thanks again.