xp pro cd

Hi guys
ive just formatted my system but my key is saying its no good ive phoned microsoft they say my cd key is a counterfeit which it isnt so frustrating.Also there is no sound coming from my speakers even playing cds they are legacy drivers.Thanks in advance :sweatdrop:


Has the XP key been used on a previous installation? If it's an OEM key, then it can only be used once and shouldn't work on a new computer.

What system are you installing XP on, exactly? Specs would help.


The BSOD Doctor
Is this a PCS-built PC?

Where did you get the copy of Windows XP Pro you're using?

PCs that have Windows XP pre-installed have their key on a sticker on the outside somewhere, that key will only be valid for the original OEM copy of Windows XP that was originally installed. Do you not have the original Windows XP installation disk that came with the PC?

Since support for Windows XP ends next April you'll not find many vendors maintaining XP drivers for their hardware. But if you visit the manufacturers websites for the various hardware items you have installed you may find XP drivers there. Windows Update might also offer XP drivers for your hardware.

If you bought the PC from PCS I would give them a call and see whether they can help. If it's not a PCS supplied PC then the best advice I can give you is to buy a retail copy of Windows 7 or Windows 8.


Superhero Level Poster
Do you have a soundcard or is it onboard? Are you saying you have a driver installed but you don't have any sound at all? Do Headphones work? Have you been through all the sound options on your PC? Have you done all the windows updates?


The BSOD Doctor
i have no sound at all how do i get windows 7/8

No sound could well be a missing driver, as I mentioned you might find Windows 7/8 will give you sound (though probably without the bells and whistles that the right driver would give you - and which you probably don't need). Then again it could be a hardware problem.

Retail copies of Windows 7/8 can be had from all good stores and online. Amazon sell them, but I'd stay well away from eBay and the like. You never know whether they are legit.

I take it this is not a PCS built PC then?