You know you game too much when...


Superhero Level Poster
Just came off the phone, clicked on this 'ere thread to join in and lo and behold, little finger on shift, next three on A, W, D and thumb on space!!!!!! :D

Ok, new one.

You get shot playing paintball and shout "MEDIC!"


You moan about your work PC as the system admin has blocked Java and minecraft wont run :( (Spent the best part of the day trying to get round it)


Lol. In my school we have this RM thing and it blocks almost everything.

RM Topic Selector..

I remember that, I got hold of one of the teacher passwords, then I was able to change the selectable topics for pupils, so I gave the whole school internet and various other things :)
I then changed the teachers password to"Bigboy" so he got in trouble for that too :D
This was in the 90's though :)
You moan about your work PC as the system admin has blocked Java and minecraft wont run :( (Spent the best part of the day trying to get round it)

At my school they found a way around that, which they then blocked and within the week there was another way to get around it. :)
Google Minecraft unblocked and its the sweet and awesome games one


Schools always block and there are always ways round it. As a teacher I find it very frustratingbut often end up joining in with them lol