Ok so i don't know what to choose



Now this baby is working
set on GPU + SMP

Music Guy123

Prolific Poster
Smp uses both cores, uniprocessor only one so do the smp. For the gpu, your choice although I wouldn't it depends how good your laptop is with heat. I would suggest just choosing smp.

Music Guy123

Prolific Poster
That is very good, keep watching it though! My cpu is on full and hits 99 before throttling down. i built my own cooling stand which brings the cpu temp down to the 60s but the stand is noisy :( !


My laptop fan is quite noisy and powerfull
it's still going between 59 - 61 C so yea average is 60C
TJ max is at 90C
And if my laptop is not handling i'm listening to right now
I just died in your arms tonight..
thus will be my funeral song for the laptop

Music Guy123

Prolific Poster
Well, my cooling stand produces over 100db of noise! It used to be twice the volume though, then I replaced one of the fans that I built myself with another I found that was a little quieter. So, be thankful your laptop hasn't got blocked up with dust! And make sure it doesn't, don't leave it on a thick pile carpet or something.


Well, my cooling stand produces over 100db of noise! It used to be twice the volume though, then I replaced one of the fans that I built myself with another I found that was a little quieter. So, be thankful your laptop hasn't got blocked up with dust! And make sure it doesn't, don't leave it on a thick pile carpet or something.
Whenever i notice it's blocked up with dust i take off the back of my laptop blow compressed air through vents and watch all the dust fly away from my laptop :D then put the back back on and it's good as new

Music Guy123

Prolific Poster
Hmm, not as easy for me, the cpu fan is the last thing I reach if I did a tear down :( ! I did try compressed air but I suddenly got worried because it sprayed a liquid, is this supposed to do this? I was also told to just put a hoover over the fan and try and suck the dust back out, will probs do that.


Don't keep it at an angle or it'll do that but the liquid isn't technically liquid but it will evaporate within seconds as long as you do it while the laptop is turned off it will be fine
Do not do it if it has a lot of dust inside without opening it so that your vents would be easily accessible because it may block the fan and your laptop wont work properly till you clean it
that's what happened to me first time i did it
good for me that i can just take off my laptops back with undoing few screws
the only thing that can seriously clog up my vents is my cat when she decides to take nap right against them

yea hoover would help but not 100% there will be some ****** left inside
and it also depends how thick the dust wall is and how powerful your hoover is
My parents laptop that they asked me to clean had 3cm if not bigger dust wall :| and the ***** was thick and solid
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Music Guy123

Prolific Poster
Well, here is a teardown of a similar chassis, different cpu but still similar laptop. I'd assume I have a similar build up to this guy. The thing is, the air coming out of the rear vents is stagnant and warm, showing that the fan is a little clogged. I could squirt air from the vent inwards towards the fan and keep the hoover above the fan to collect the dust, do you think it would work. Have a look at the tear down and tell me what you think.



Well, here is a teardown of a similar chassis, different cpu but still similar laptop. I'd assume I have a similar build up to this guy. The thing is, the air coming out of the rear vents is stagnant and warm, showing that the fan is a little clogged. I could squirt air from the vent inwards towards the fan and keep the hoover above the fan to collect the dust, do you think it would work. Have a look at the tear down and tell me what you think.


After the "It’s all done under. Turn the laptop." section what stops you from just taking the back off?


My laptop has similar tear down but i skip half of it till the back is all done and peal of the back then when i'm finished i put it back on

Music Guy123

Prolific Poster
Because, to remove the mobo, you have to undo the screws hidden by the screen and keyboard to remove the top. Then you can undo and remove the mobo.


Um... why do you need to remove the mobo?
if you take of the back your mobo can stay attached you just need the fan exposed
I keep my mobo still fully attached except the back is off
wait i'll show pic in few mins or upload vid

Music Guy123

Prolific Poster
no, to remove the back, you have to remove that single screw that you can only remove from the keyboard side of the mobo. I have just had a go with the air, I blew it through the back vents and lots of little bits of dust popped out. I then got a torch and had a good look in the back and I think I have found the iron curtain lol!


Congrats and oh ok
some laptops are gay by doing that :(
i like the ones that let you take of the back esily

Music Guy123

Prolific Poster
Surprisingly, I like the ones that let you take the back of easily as well! I have put my laptop on a hard surface, the cpu is at max and we are doing less than 75, I am very happy with that, when I get some more time, I will try and get a little more rubbish out of the back but it is fine for now.