RTX 3080


We love you Ukraine
8030 cards have been dispatched in previous weeks, use that.
You’re missing the entire point. You can only give estimations based on verified order figures and those don’t exist. The manufacturers are not giving any concrete expectations, they’re literally sending them out as soon as they’ve been made.

You can’t make an estimation based on historical data on something that has no future expectation, it’s just not possible.

Recently JayzTwoCents said he’d heard that only 2000 units had hit the entire US since launch. That gives you some idea of how poor it really is.


Make no mistake it is most certainly PCS's fault that they don't have an ordering system that meets the basic needs of its customers, irrespective of the rate they receive stock. They don't need to know the quantity of stock that is arriving in the future to make an estimate, you simply look where someone is in the queue and using the rate of stock observed in previous weeks estimate what it could be, but caveat that estimate with a statement about the rate of stock arriving remaining similar.

The problem is that their ordering system doesn't allow our relative position in the "queue" to be easily understood. For what it is worth, if your the kind of person who doesn't like not knowing where you stand then simply don't do business with PCS on new release items.

Now in the interest of being constructive PCS could be:

- Tweeting every time they complete an order containing the 3080
- Tweeting every time they receive stock, with a photo.
- Weekly emailing updates
Yes it would be easy if it was just the 3080 everyone was waiting on and not a whole PC with a numerous parts and ones that would differ greatly from one order to another.
Not all parts will always be in stock together, do we need a queue, tweets and pictures when PSU's come into stock as well, you know to keep everyone happy

They have said they dont know when or how much stock they will get, what is the use of me having a queue position of 208 and then not knowing how fast this queue may move, what happens if my PSU goes out of stock? what number in the queue am I then, 208 still? but then that would hold up 209+ orders up if they dont have the same PSU as me. So where am I in the queue now?

Yes the PSU may have a date when its back in stock but will this be before, after, same time as the 3080? how do they factor this into the queue position.
Like I said, 3080 on its own then it would be easy to say 200 people ordered before you so you are 201 in the queue, still dont know when you will get it though as they don't know how many orders are arriving at a time.

I am waiting on a PC myself just to add.
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A number of queue size would still be better than nothing.

I'm not asking for a completion date (although sure as, that would be nice ), I'm asking if it would be possible to know how many people would be in my same position queued up before me, before committing to a purchase going in the couple of thousand £s.
They have said any order with a 3080 placed now probably wont be ready for Christmas, so that tells you the size of the queue. People on here have said they ordered a few days after launch and have been told they might not get their build before Christmas.

Basically its a long queue, one a lot of us are in together, though with lots of other parts involved too.


Lord of Steam
They have said any order with a 3080 placed now probably wont be ready for Christmas, so that tells you the size of the queue. People on here have said they ordered a few days after launch and have been told they might not get their build before Christmas.

Basically its a long queue, one a lot of us are in together, though with lots of other parts involved too.
On the plus side, by Easter, we'll all be best of friends... :ROFLMAO:


Master Poster
Just had a look at another PC building company (may have a C and O in name).

Anyhow huge numbers of deleted threads on these cards and current thread is at 983 or so pages, everyone is peachy and happy, well those that don’t keep getting 48hr bans etc as know one knows what’s going on.

the grass is always greener.


Active member
That sounds like a post that has no clue on order management within a company handling multiple orders for individuals, satisfying company orders and facing a huge unknown the same as every other company expecting an NVidia card, that at end of day is still suspect.

your constructive ideas are plainly pointless, there is zero chance any employer would want anyone spending their day and the employers salary taking photos.

stock tracker https://www.stockinformer.co.uk/checker-nvidia-geforce-rtx-3080-3070-3090

it only take a 5 mins to post a tweet, they do it regularly already, its good marketing. Im sure many here would like to know every time 3080 get shipped, so it wouldn't be pointless for many, but i appreciate it may not be of interest to you.
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apologies for the confusion it should have said 3080!!
It was quite clear what you meant as people are being pedantic. Unfortunately you can’t make any criticism of PCS on here so I wouldn’t bother airing any grievance and just use it to see if people post when they get their builds.


Active member
You’re missing the entire point. You can only give estimations based on verified order figures and those don’t exist. The manufacturers are not giving any concrete expectations, they’re literally sending them out as soon as they’ve been made.

You can’t make an estimation based on historical data on something that has no future expectation, it’s just not possible.

Recently JayzTwoCents said he’d heard that only 2000 units had hit the entire US since launch. That gives you some idea of how poor it really is.
It is possible, you just have to tell the customer that it is based on previous stock arrival rates which may change for the better or worse, the resulting estimate is then relative to others in the queue.


Silver Level Poster
  • I don't think anyone, including PCS knew the extent of the stock issue.
    I ordered at the start of October and actually had a live chat with PCS where I asked them directly how long the delay was for the 3080 and I was told 'currently 3-4 weeks'.
    Evidently, that's not the case and the fact that there are still multiple orders pending from release day suggests this will go on for months until Nvidia finally pulls their finger out and starts mass producing the cards, better get comfortable ;)


We love you Ukraine
It is possible, you just have to tell the customer that it is based on previous stock arrival rates which may change for the better or worse, the resulting estimate is then relative to others in the queue.
But that’s not how order systems work, so again, with current technology, it’s not possible. It’s fine to make up stuff out of thin air, but that’s not how the world works


We love you Ukraine
It was quite clear what you meant as people are being pedantic. Unfortunately you can’t make any criticism of PCS on here so I wouldn’t bother airing any grievance and just use it to see if people post when they get their builds.
We actually condone people giving honest feedback, but there’s a big difference between airing constructive criticism and being unduly negative.

You are verging on that line, tread carefully.
You say this but some suggesting using social media that already exists for the company to provide details of how many cards are coming in (a figure they will know as they have arrived) and is something that exists today (my own company has a whole social media division ) being told “your constructive ideas are plainly pointless” is ok? I mean if PCS posted up numbers of how many they received each batch that might actually help their case as we could all see how dire the situation is. Instead any suggestion like this gets shouted down.
My favourite part was when we complained about being told different information on how things worked and that being a frustration only to be told off by a mod then given a “how it worked example” then they saying but that’s only how it might work. Which is exactly the problem we complained about.