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  1. G

    PCSPECIALIST Vortex II backlit keyboard

    Does anyone know if the Vortex II will get a backlit keyboard, and if so would those who have this laptop with a standard keyboard be able to upgrade? Thanks.
  2. G

    PCSPECIALIST just ordered this laptop..

    After many days contemplation I've just ordered the below laptop. I started out thinking I wouldn't get a pure gaming system but I thought I may as well just get it as top-notch as possible. Reckon it should be a winner, if maybe a tad unnecessary...but then that's what these custom PCs are...
  3. G

    PCSPECIALIST Ssd & ram

    Does anyone know if there's a huge difference in speed between the 3GB/s or 6GB/s SSDs? Also, is it worth getting 16GB RAM or is 8GB enough? Thanks.
  4. G

    PCSPECIALIST Laptops heat and battery life

    I'm just wondering how hot the PC Specialist high-end laptops get, and if they always require a cooling stand? I've currently got a laptop (HP Envy 17) that runs incredibly hot even in pretty normal use...almost too hot to touch in the top-left corner (presumably where the graphics card is...
  5. G

    PCSPECIALIST High-end laptop not specifically for gaming

    I'm in the market for a new, high-end laptop. Although not specifically for gaming I want to have the option of playing games such as Starcraft II, Black Ops, maybe Skyrim etc. I'm not a big gamer though so if it's not up to playing the very latest games at the very highest settings I'm not that...