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  1. P

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Anyone know anything about CPUs stuck to heatsinks?

    Hello everyone. For full disclosure I have a technical problem which relates to a desktop I bulit myself, and not one bought and assembled from PCS, so if nobody wishes to offer any suggestions, then I would understand. I'd bought a couple of laptops from PCS over the last four years, and...
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    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST A quick question about adding components post construction

    Hello all. After a few months of suffering without a home pc (and on a tight budget due to unemployment), I will finally have just enough to buy a new laptop tomorrow. However the cost will leave me with a very small pool of cash to work with until I start earning again, which is a conundrum...
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    I'm currently making preparations for a laptop to replace my current. I have most of the components picked, but the one decision I've not made is which hard drive to pick. I've not used an mSATA cache drive before, and I'd like to know how such small storage (compared to a larger HDD or SSD is...
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    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Old Optimus spontaneously died - what do you suggest?

    My Optimus II has been slowly struggling on for the last two months, yet up until this point I had kept it going. Earlier today when it was seemingly working fine, a ticking sound from the bottom-right portion of the base started. Within seconds I got a bluescreen and the whole computer went...
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    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Optimus II approaching two years of age is making alarming sounds

    Roughly a month ago I powered-on my laptop and all was fine, except after five minutes it began to make some noises I had never heard before. The sound was like a saw cutting through wood, if that makes any sense, and it sounded like the sawing motion was getting faster and faster until the...
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    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Trackpad/Touchpad difficulties following recent repair

    So following the long process of arranging for my Optimus II to be returned for repairs, I had the machine returned to me on the 3rd. Everything is in good order, with the keys now much more responsive without the years worth of dust built up underneath, but I'm having a problem with the...
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    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Unresponsive BIOS on an Optimus II - Need some assistance

    I've had my laptop for fourteen months and counting now, but it recently encountered a hardware failure following the instalation of the wrong drivers. I couldn't log on without windows explorer crashing and sending a report every ten seconds, so I was forced to reinstall windows. I would have...