BF3 Question?


Life Serving
Afternoon all

Can anyone answer this question.

When the game is released are we still going to have to use this pants game browser? Ya know using internet explorer and then the game pops up?

Or is this browser thing just for alpha and beta?



Superhero Level Poster
I thought the whole browser thing was one of the major changes they made for the game...nothing to do with beta :) pops up in your default browser...Tom busted for using IE! :D


Prolific Poster
Using the browser mut give them some advantage over a lobby system in game, otherwise they wouldn't do it. In all honesty it probably gives greater functionality and probably much easier for them to modify filters etc without them havign to update game code. I think its a great idea separating the connection and the actual game.


Prolific Poster
lol, I use chrome but aint set it as my default browser. I didn't know how to.

I do admit its easier to monitor the temps between games.

Dont you have about 100 fans in your case?


Surely you dont need to monitor temps? lol


Life Serving
I dont like this browser at all, cant they do it like bf2 on pc a few years back?

I know its a beta, and has issues.

But i hope the game is nothing like this when released.


Bright Spark
Personally I just wish they didn't use this wannabe Steam program that isn't working.


Prolific Poster
that's a money making scam! ea wants a chunk of steams pie! I disabled origin from loading when turning on my pc.

I cant for the life of me understand why half you people have such a thing against change. Myspace was a great social networking website until facebook came along and challenged it, now look which one is better and more popular. Whos to say that origin wont do the same to steam. I actually prefer the look of origin, again its only a beta, just the same as steam having their original alphas and betas. Rather than slating it, either chose to accept it or dont.


Superhero Level Poster
I really like the battlelog :) Shame we have to use Origin, but once you click play, opens the browser, select the server/quick match, wait to load, off you go...

...all you get with the BF2 style is a game that has to load up before you can even select a server. Really there is no difference, and if anything, this new ways is quicker :D

Each to their own of course