Check my specs


Author Level
Could you look at this post please and answer the questions relating to usage and budget?

Also - provide the link from the spec as well so that its easier for people to adjust and make suggestions.



Rising Star
ive changed it for you
It would still be good to know what monitor you are pairing it with and what games you play. Some e.g. turn based tactical games are CPU heavy, some e.g. open world 1st person games are GPU heavy.
Either way, just to warn you, the bottom end of your budget is where you'd be better off with a console than a pc.


New member
It would still be good to know what monitor you are pairing it with and what games you play. Some e.g. turn based tactical games are CPU heavy, some e.g. open world 1st person games are GPU heavy.
Either way, just to warn you, the bottom end of your budget is where you'd be better off with a console than a pc.
i have a console atm but prefer the different things you can do on pc with mods and all, unsure on what monitor atm. I was looking to go the higher end of my budget. Games ranging from ones like The forest and minecraft to Ark. Id also use it for other things than gaming like watching youtube, twitch and other things.


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