Control Center issue with Iconico


We love you Ukraine
The basic Windows wireless driver ubuysa suggested
Don't worry about that, all you need to do is connect LAN, that uses a universal driver in windows until you've configured your drivers. Then once the wifi driver is configured, you can go back to using wireless as normal


Sorry its in french


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I wasn't able to run Windows update because I cannot connect via LAN


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We love you Ukraine
I wasn't able to run Windows update because I cannot connect via LAN
I didn't notice that until I looked at your device manager output again properly

It hasn't installed any drivers at all, I've never seen that before. I've never known a system not to configure the LAN

I don't know then other than using PCS supplied drivers. Literally never seen a system not connect over LAN on windows installation.

I don't know what to suggest.

I'll ask @ubuysa to advise on applying the generic wifi driver if he's still around, maybe that can get you online.


Well unfortunately the dirvers I got from PCS support can't be installed : I have an error that said the Windows version is not compatible..


We love you Ukraine
Pcs support download
That's going to be very out of date, and probably not eligible for updates. Windows versions go out of support after not very long and don't connect to windows update anymore.

You need to use the current image from microsoft

This is unless of course PCS support have given you specific instructions in which case you need to be working with them.


Ok but they clearly asked me to instal the iso file they provided (they sent me the link via email) so is it okay to install windows from another file ? I may lost the warranty


We love you Ukraine
Ok but they clearly asked me to instal the iso file they provided (they sent me the link via email) so is it okay to install windows from another file ? I may lost the warranty
No, if they're giving you specific instructions then you need to be working with them, we aren't connected with PCS, if they're trying to install specific versions for troubleshooting reàsons we aren't going to know that and will complicate matters.

You need to be speaking with them and going through their troubleshooting steps

But if you're just installing windows outside of PCS directions, you always use the latest image direct from microsoft, this is also why you get drivers from windows update because the ones in your PCS downloads will be out of date. This doesn't affect any warranty, software has no impact on hardware in that way.


No, if they're giving you specific instructions then you need to be working with them, we aren't connected with PCS, if they're trying to install specific versions for troubleshooting reàsons we aren't going to know that and will complicate matters.

You need to be speaking with them and going through their troubleshooting steps

But if you're just installing windows outside of PCS directions, you always use the latest image direct from microsoft, this is also why you get drivers from windows update because the ones in your PCS downloads will be out of date. This doesn't affect any warranty, software has no impact on hardware in that way.
Ok then I've downloaded the iso file of the latest windows iso version
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The BSOD Doctor
I'm late back to the party here, but it's clear that the Windows version you were attempting to install is either corrupt or out of date, as @SpyderTracks has suggested. I would only install Windows from media made via the Windows Media Creation Tool. You can find that here for Windows 10, and here for Windows 11. In either case you will need a USB drive of at least 8GB capacity, it's wise to use a new drive rather than an older one.


Then I am now creating the USB drive (it has 10Go) with the iso from windows 10 2H22


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Thanks ! Then I am at this step, do I need to click on Install Windows or repare the compter ?


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