Final Fantasy Collection


Silver Level Poster
The whole RPG thing started with The Legend of Zelda for the NES.
I borrowed it of a friend because it was gold.
And stright away I like it.

After that started to play other RPG like:
Secret of Mana
The Illision of Time (Illision of Gaia USA Title)
Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy Legends
Phantasy Star
Ulitma IV (all the others are rubbish)
And Final Fantasys


Ys and Phantasy star were two of my favs as well :) the combat system was simular and it was a shame when they abandoned it (like FF did in FF12) in latter phantasy star games. A shame when companies live by this motto. "If its not broke, then fix it until it is". Also ultima online was good when it was new :)


Silver Level Poster

Forgot to add this.
This is my Final Fantasy DVDs and Blu-ray

Also have FFVII-AC in there too, but its not in this picture