Finance payment...


Bronze Level Poster
I am currently adamant on purchasing a £900 system from this site, but my income only allows me to pay via the finance method.

However, I am really concerned about the strict requirements regarding credit rating...

What factors would contribute to the declining of my purchase, and how strict are they on it? I am in deep need of a new laptop, and this is seriously worrying me.


Multiverse Poster
The only way to find out is by applying online, it depends on your credit history, previous loans, late payments, employment, etc.......
In case your application is decline you could try applying for a credit card that offers 0% interest on purchases for 12/18 months.
Rubensolo is right, but if you're really cautious paying by finance give PCS a ring and i'm positive a member of staff will happily try and answer your questions, that's if nobody here doesn't reassure you. :)


Multiverse Poster
Rubensolo is right, but if you're really cautious paying by finance give PCS a ring and i'm positive a member of staff will happily try and answer your questions, that's if nobody here doesn't reassure you. :)

I believe the finance agreement is done by a 3rd party (Hitachi Finance). From experience I think they cannot tell you whether or not you are eligible unless they run the application.
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The Awesome
I believe the finance agreement is done by a 3rd party.

Aye, it is, I think its done by Hitachi, but basically if you do not meet the minimum requirement such as having a 16+ hour job, being resident in the UK etc that are specified here you will definitely not get it, most finance companies are being strict at the moment.

Edit: found at the bottom of the finance calculation page
The credit advertised is provided by PaybyFinance (from Hitachi Capital Plc)


Bronze Level Poster
Well, I am 17 myself, and by necessity have to rely on my grandparents card to pay with.
Apparently they have had to bail out my Uncle on quite a few occasions and don't have the best credit rating.

They are both employed, and are very well off in comparison to my household.

Reckon I`ll be okay?


Multiverse Poster
Well, I am 17 myself, and by necessity have to rely on my grandparents card to pay with.
Apparently they have had to bail out my Uncle on quite a few occasions and don't have the best credit rating.

They are both employed, and are very well off in comparison to my household.

Reckon I`ll be okay?

You mean by them applying?


Multiverse Poster
Well it is difficult to tell, even if the requirements are met sometimes applications can be declined. I would just apply and see how it goes, I don't think there is a way to be certain on whether or not you are going to be eligible unless you apply, you could try to request their credit rating online from expedian but that is not free.


The Awesome
Just as a point to note, I think the PC has to go to the address of the people who are agreeing to the finance agreement (as far as I know, I could be wrong), so you will probably have to get it delivered to your grandparents house.