Graphics card faulty again :(


Active member
Hey forum, I was on here a while ago because of a dodgy gfx card and pcspecialist kindly replaced my card with another faulty one lol, but then I went with an NVIDIA and have had no problems until now, it started when I would turn on my pc and way before windows started up (like the first thing I'd see) the screen would be filled with multi coloured craziness for a second then load up normally, then after a week or so it has now started crashing on me, say I'm watching a youtube video, the monitor would lose signal and then the videos audio would just repeat the last millisecond over and over ad infinitum. So yeah it sounds like I have another faulty gfx card, is that what it sounds like to you guys?

My card is the Geforce GTX 670, I have windows 7 64bit and the 8 core bulldozer, if you need any more info I'm glad to oblige :)

Thanks, Marc.


Member Resting in Peace
Could be the graphics card,but might be worth trying a clean install of the graphics driver.


Active member
I tried that (it didn't fix it) but it's crashing pretty much as soon as I log in now, just had the whole screen go bright red on start up...


Prolific Poster
Do you have onboard graphics you can use? It may be worth uninstalling the GPU and removing it and trying the IGPU just to rule out anything else. If the IGPU looks good refit and reinstall the GPU and see what happens.


Active member
I put it in the other pci slot, let's see how things go! There are two dvi slots on the back of my card, any difference between the two?


Prolific Poster
Let us know how it goes mate. Did you uninstall it before swapping to a different slot? I don't believe there's any difference between the two DVI outputs.


New member
That multi coloured crazyness is a sign that the card is overheating and going to die. Do you have it overclocked? Have you tried increasing the fan speeds in MSI Afterburner?

I've had at least 4 cards do exactly what you describe after overclocking them too much.


Active member
I will Boozad, no crashes yet :) I didn't uninstall when I changed slot but I did have to reinstall it when I changed slots.

Calendor, according to GPU-Z my card was 42 celcius roughly when crashing, so I doubt it's overheating honestly, no I've never overclocked this pc in any way shape or form, I will up the fan speeds though if I get any more crashes, thanks for the suggestion :)