Help please! :(


Hello all, I received my new PC today and I'm having a few problems with it.

I unpacked all, read manuals, checked all DVD's and all seemed good (except the warranty I payed for, what is used to prove this? I thought I would have a paper document or something)

I plugged in a PS/2 mouse & keyboard, used the VGA adapter for my monitor and finally the power cable, I then turned on at the mains and then the back of the PSU. All seemed fine so I booted up but I am not receiving any input to my monitor ?? I have tried both out ports at the back and nothing from both.. argh am I doing something wrong orrrr ?

also the DVD/RW tray opens and will then also go back in on its own accord !! surely that's not right.. hmm

Does anybody have any advice here or do I need to return the machine?

If anyone needs any information that they think they need in order to help me just ask below :)

Thank you for reading.


The Awesome
Make sure you are plugging the cable into your graphics card rather then the motherboard (if it has that choice).
If you are plugged into the graphics card, its possible the graphics card has become slightly dislodged in transit and just needs reseating.


Author Level
The warranty is linked to your order number, so if you ever needed to return it, you provide them with your order number and they can see your account details/order :)


Hi just checked, the GPU seems to be in place.. umm it has two outputs from the back panel.. i've also tried both. I'm not receiving anything to the monitor... can't be the VGA cable too because its been fine unless it somehow has died in the past 12 hours or so (doubtful lol)


Member Resting in Peace
If your monitor has a DVI port try that,if not try a DVI to VGA adaptor,
one might be provided in your welcome pack.
Also I would try a USB mouse & keyboard as opposed to PS/2.


thats what I am doing now, using the adapter that has been provided in the welcome pack.. yet it isn't working at all I get no output to my monitor.. I just don't know what to do :\ also what should I do w/ my DVD/RW because it opens fully then just closes.. :\


Member Resting in Peace
Some older VGA cables wont work with recent graphics cards,
I would suggest you try another cable.
Failing this best give PCS a call.


hm I could try a new cable.. will just have to buy one..thanks for the advice

does anybody know what I should do with the DVD drive ?! I mean.. they aren't meant to close right after opening surely


Prolific Poster
I would get your connection to the monitor sorted first and worry about sorting that dvd drive later.


Member Resting in Peace
It's possible you have a faulty DVD drive,
best tackle this after you get your monitor working,