ilyama monitor prolite E2472HD


Active member
Probably a daft question & I've hit the wong button but;
Monitor only shows a 22" screen on a 24" monitor.
Help appreciated.


Active member
3/4" all round.
Upping refresh rate from 60 to 75Hz fills the screen complete with resultant distortion but I have noted that 75Hz is not recommended on this monitor. Also noticed that the refresh to 75Hz reduces the resolution from 1980/1020 to 1280/1024. I have a shrewd suspicion I'm stuck with this anomaly.
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Author Level
Not at all, i have this monitor and i get the border in BIOS, as soon as windows is up its full screen, its going to be a config / driver thing.


Staff member
Have you tried pressing the auto button or expanding the size manually using the control buttons?


Active member
auto button on monitor doesn't do a thing!!
I've now changed the display settings to 1680x1050 which fills the screen. The monitor functions most efficiently @ 1920x1080 but damned if I can figure it out.
Gorman ........ Is your monitor set to 1920x1080 which fills screen?


Author Level
Ask Tech support to do a remote desktop session and check the res settings while using the HDMI, its just going to be the card detecting the monitor wrong and a stupid little setting somewhere.


Active member
Spoke to Jack @ pcs tech support and he sorted it all out. Transpires that ATI are fully aware of a problem with their cards (black borders on some monitors) and have been promising a fix for around 12 months. Used a prog called ATI underscan fix (not written by ATI btw) and things are now fine other than one has to activate the fix on each reboot/switch on. A dvi lead also sorts the prob. A weird scenario IMHO but I can live with it.
My thanks to all who have advised/commented on this issue.


Author Level
It would appear Jack has been withholding information from me. I shall have to review my torture procedures.