Install GPUs after purchase


Bronze Level Poster
I was just throwing ideas around when I thaught about the possibility of buying some specific GPUs seeing as you can't choose the brand in PCS's configurator and installing them after I got the PC. Eg if I wanted my GPU to be a "<nsurt brand name here> superclocked" rather than the stock or other brand that PCS get their cards from

The reason I make this thread however is that when I got my first PC from PCS I noticed that there was only 1 thick mass of cables coming out of one hole in my PSU meaning I had no way (if I wanted to) connect some power pins up to a 2nd GPU. If I was to order a PC from PCS with no GPUs, how would I go about connecting the GPus to the power supply

And feedback is apreciated and feel free to tell me I have got something wrong here, I do not know as much about PSUs as I would like to


Member Resting in Peace
You could order a modular PSU but I think most of the non modulars now would have enough power connections.


Superhero Level Poster
I ordered my spec without a GPU, only just got round to adding one 6 months ago, 2 years after I bought the system. Adding your own GPU is easy, the one thick bundle of wires has all the connectors you will need they are just zip tied away some place out of the way.

Find the zip tie and carefully cut it, making sure not to cut the wires underneath. Then separate out the relevant connectors and use a new zip tie to hide the cables away again. Insert the GPU into the slot, connect the power, install drivers and enjoy.

You could also buy your own GPU, call PCS and they will give you instructions on how you can send it to them for installation.