

Member Resting in Peace
How much does overclocking shorten the life span of a computer ?
Just how much it would reduce lifespan of the overclocked component is anybody's guess.
Personally I wouldn't bother with overclocking, for gaming, there would be very little performance gain if any overclocking the CPU.
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For the CPU with the correct cooling, overclocking with a stable overclock wont really shorten it all that much at all really. The MOST important thing when overclocking is cooling. Its lack of good cooling most of the time that will wreck the CPU.

GPU overclocking I wouldnt recommend unless you are in the know how with them.


Bright Spark
From what I've read, a CPU is normally expected to last 15 years, although like any electronics goods some will last longer and some not as long. However in terms of performance, the useful life of a computer is much less than this. 6 years is about the longest you can use a computer and get any kind of reasonable performance on applications, and even die-hards will find that they need to replace their computer after 10 years.

So even if overclocking takes 5 years off the CPU life it shouldn't be a problem. On average at least. And what Buzz said about cooling is correct - running your CPU at the limit of temperature will burn it out far faster than overclocking while keeping to sensible temperatures.