PC not booting properly


Active member
Hello guys!
Could you help me please? I'm having a problem when booting my PC. When I boot my PC for some reason it's really slow and eventually gets too my windows login password screen. I type in my password and again it gets slow then after about 15 seconds it goes black and then a red screen comes up and says nothing and eventually goes away and everything seems fine, the red screen has no writing on it or anything like that like the RSOD. I've upgraded my GFX card driver too the latest one 13.5. I'm using a AMD Radeon HD 7870 and the problem still persists. I've installed all windows upgrades that's available too me through the action centre and still the problem is there.

As a side note I did completely unplug my PC and disconnected everything yesterday (yes the power was off :) ) and was extremely careful when moving my PC, is it possible something became loose that could cause this?

Secondary side note: I'm not entirely sure but I may of switched my power cables with my monitors power cable when moving my PC and monitor. could this be a potential problem?

Help please :)

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Bright Spark
Let's check the last point first. The monitor power lead will probably have a 3 amp fuse while the computer lead could have a 13 amp fuse. That should tell you whether the leads are connected the right way.


Member Resting in Peace
Ok, thanks but could that have a bad effect on my computers boot up speed?
It shouldn't cause anything like that,what would happen though if the fuse is too small is the fuse would eventually blow.
It's possible a startup item is causing the issue,to check this,
type msconfig in the Start Search box and then press enter.
On the General tab, click Selective Startup.
On the startup tab disable all.
Click the Services tab, click to select the Hide All Microsoft Services check box, and then click Disable All.
Click apply/OK.then restart.
if pc boots normally you need to isolate the problem startup item selectively,
for example enable the top half of start up items,if computer doesn't start normally you know one of the enabled startup items is the problem and so on.
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Bright Spark
I once had a new TV. Although the light came on the TV failed to work. The TV man replaced the set but again it failed to work. After he had gone away scrathinghis head, I realised we had used the same fuse each time. Replaced the fuse and hey presto !!! But the fuse hadn't blown.

So let's assume you MIGHT have connected the 3 amp lead to the computer and the computer MIGHT have tried to use more than 3 amps and the fuse MIGHT not have blown, instead it MIGHT have got hot and caused a high resistance which MIGHT have reduced the power to the computer which MIGHT have caused it to boot slowly ..... but unless you check we will never know. If the leads were connected correctly then fine. If not then at least replace the 3 amp fuse (or whatever it is). Of course if they were both 13 amp it won't have made any difference.

I have heard of computers booting slowly but at the moment I don't have a positive answer. If the computer worked normally before you moved it but still boots slowly after checking the leads then check for any loose leads and make sure all the fans are working.


Active member
Thanks for the feedback vanthus and dogbot I will be sure to check everything you mentioned dogbot. Vanthus, that sounds very daunting to someone who isn't the slightest bit tech savvy, if I do as you said what exactly will happen when I boot my pc? Will the programmes I disable just stop working until I enable them again? I won't be disabling anything important will I?

And again thanks for the feedback so far.


Member Resting in Peace
Thanks for the feedback vanthus and dogbot I will be sure to check everything you mentioned dogbot. Vanthus, that sounds very daunting to someone who isn't the slightest bit tech savvy, if I do as you said what exactly will happen when I boot my pc? Will the programmes I disable just stop working until I enable them again? I won't be disabling anything important will I?

And again thanks for the feedback so far.
You wont be disabling anything essential as long as you make sure you select the "Hide All Microsoft Services" as I described,and your just stopping items from loading on startup,I only have my antivirus program enabled on startup,the programs will still work if you start them up manually but you don't want to do that anyway while trying to find the problem.it's a pretty standard troubleshooting procedure for startup issues.
If it helps you find the issue you can enable the other services/startup items again from the same location.
I've done this many times,but if you're not comfortable doing it,maybe best not to.
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