PCS Overclocking - What Experience have you had?


I'm shortly buying a new rig from PCS with a i72600k CPU on the P8268v

I'm wondering:
a) what is people's experience of PCS overclocks in terms of stability and cpu longevity. I dont want a PCS overclock that is going to reduce the life of the CPU. I'm expecting 6 years out of the machine

b) what a peoples experiences to date of having an i7 2600k PCS overclock and how happy are they with it

I've never overclocked before and want to understand if this is a worthwhile activity or am I better off just buying stock and leaving it alone



Author Level
Overclocking can introduce instability to a system and will typically shorten its lifespan.

Overclocking is running the CPU / GPU or whatever component is clocked above and beyond what it was designed for, you get a little extra oomph and the tradeoff is shorter lifespan / more instability.

If these are not issues you are willing to accept then an overclocked system is simply not for you.


Gorman - Thanks for your reply. You'll see from my post I'm considering PCS overclocked i7 2600k

Yep agreed, if the PCS overclock is going to reduce the life span of the CPU or put another way, means its not going to run for at least 6 years then agreed its not for me.

What I'm after is peoples actual experiences. Perhaps the better option then is to buy an i72600k on an oveclockable mobo and take note of required OC settings so that in the future say around 5/6 years I can implement the OC

Its a lot of money to invest only to find the OC has killed the CPU much much earlier than would normally be expected

I hope this explains the consideration I'm undertaking - Thanks


Well-known member
if the PCS overclock is going to reduce the life span of the CPU

Its not specifically the "PCS" overclock that is going to reduce the lifespan. It is ANY overclock done by anyone will reduce the lifespan.

Also, you say you want to keep your PC for 6 years - have you thought about just how long it will be usefull for? i.e. would a 6 year old PC fit your needs today?!


I purchased a pre O/C PC from PCS but after numerous 'Failed O/C's' I now run my PC at stock speeds,I haven't noticed any 'Slow Down' or 'Lack Of Performance' since using default cpu speeds(other than bench marking programs)


Gold Level Poster
I have the i7-2600k that you're considering, it's already a great processor & you probably won't be needing to overclock it for a long while yet.

I overclocked my previous PC as the technology became dated, but I don't see my cpu/gpus in this rig coming off stock anytime soon. There's certainly nothing out there that requires me personally to do it.

But like AndyL stated, it's not PCS' overclocking which is going to be the factor of whether or not it fails. They would set your processor to a speed which is deemed suitable for the CPU you've ordered, but you're still exchanging lifespan/stability for increased power. If there wasn't a downside, then the processors would be set to those speeds as stock.