placing desktop on its side (under bed?)


The Awesome
I wouldn't think it'd be a good idea to be honest, it'll probably get all snuggly and warm under there (which is not what you want), I reckon the airflow would not be good and I suspect it'd be very dusty and theoretically may also get damaged depending on the usage of said bed :) (well you could be standing on it and bouncing :))


Multiverse Poster
It wouldn't be advisable for any PC.

It would be especially not advisable for a PC with that spec, which is both a furnace and very expensive.


The BSOD Doctor
There's nothing terribly bad about keeping a PC on its side, as long as you're not blocking any vents of course, but under a bed is not a sensible location. As has been mentioned, it tends to get very dusty under beds and the fans will suck all that in, you'll need to be cleaning it almost weekly I would suggest. Depending on how high the bed is off the floor there is unlikely to be enough room for air to circulate properly either. Warm air rises remember, so warm air is going to get trapped under the bed slowly pumping up the temperature, that's definitely not what you want.