Shogun 2 - GTX580 1.5GB v GTX580 3GB


Super Star
Hay guys

Getting a new PC for shogun 2 and was wandering if the 3GB version of the 580 makes any diffrence to ingame performance.

I was going to go for the 590 but theres a problem with the SLI settings or something, it seems to only get a max of 20FPS!!!


I run it at ultra settings on my GTX470 with no problems at all :) Always very smooth. I'm loving this game! It's my first venture into the Total War world! :)

I would go for the 1.5GB GTX580. Less to go wrong! And it'll blast through Shogun easily


Super Star
Thanks man.

How do you blast it though with only 4GB of RAM, doesnt windows take away some of it.

Also, does your 470 perform well even without DX11?


Copes just fine :) Most games don't use any where near 4GB of Ram, its all the GPU now :)
I've just had a multiplayer battle both with "medium" armies and not a single stutter even when we the action was at its peak :) ... I lost though :( damn warrior monks!

Yep it copes well without DX11 because if you use the Nvidia Control Panel you can force AA and tweak other features that the game doesn't allow as yet ;)


Super Star
Nvidia conrtol panel?

Please explain

Im getting a PC in a few months and I want to know how I can get the best graphics.

intel 2600 i7

Drunken Monkey

Author Level
take a look at this guide Nvidia Control Panel tweak guide

to some it up you can change the following



Super Star
Thanks man

LOL I was jst told about the intel Ivybridge, and snice I'll be getting my PC at the end of the year, Im better of waiting.
And anyway, the asus rampage will be cheaper by then so I'll be better off.

People say its useless becuase new things will come out but just becuase something old doesnt mean its not good.
I got flamed at saying that by some moron.

Im hoping nvidia bring out new cards though, one that has not got problems with SHTW2 lol.


Thanks for posting that monkey :)

There are loads of nvidia cards that have no problem with shogun 2, dx11 isn't enabled on any card, it's the game not the hardware. They've got a patch coming soon to improve performance and enable dx11 and aa

Drunken Monkey

Author Level
Thanks man
People say its useless becuase new things will come out but just becuase something old doesnt mean its not good.
when i ordered my pc like a week later the sandy bridge processors got released, i was gutted. But when my pc arrived that was a different story... it's in a league of it's own, and glides through pretty much any game ^.^


Author Level
To clarify, if you are running x64 windows the memory on the card wont cut into the 4gb limit on ram which is in the x86 version of windows.

More memory on the card is good for higher res textures while playing at resolutions greater than 1920 x 1080. It wont affect performance at lower resolutions that much.