So PCS called me today...

So they called me today regarding my order which is "in testing" and told me that my wireless card (intel ultimate) is no longer in stock and I had the option to switch to the advanced or killer.
This DOES NOT make sense to me whatsoever. How can you have a computer in testing without the wireless card?? I have changed my order from the Advanced to the ultimate earlier in pre-production and therefore it was in the machine, until PCS called me today and said that the card is "out of stock"?? How is this possible?

I am really unhappy about this since I had the card in my laptop, and for some reason they took it out of my order or I had to wait until the 12th of June.
Doesnt make sense to me at all.



The Awesome
Its possible that it went into test whilst waiting for the wireless and everything else got tested, but now they are still waiting on teh card.

Either that or it went into testing with a card that has since failed and needed replacing.

I'm sure there is a good reason though :)


Superhero Level Poster
Sounds like it failed testing for whatever reason, not really sure what else it could be to be honest. I'm sure they wouldn't send it for testing before it was 100% built.

I wouldn't worry about changing the wireless card too much, unless you had a reason for that specific card. Atleast they called to let you know, rather than letting you wait it out i guess.


Your laptop was built with a N-6235 in it. So when your order is put on the bench for testing and we run a program which checks the spec against your order it highlighted that your order had a n-6235 in it as apposed to n-6300 which you changed to. So we called you to explain this, and offer you the option of reverting to the original n-6235 that was currently in the laptop or waiting until the n-6300 arrives. Make sense now. You never had the N-6300 card in your laptop.
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Makes complete sense to me now. I was wondering cause my "stock request" says completed and at one point the order as built so I thought the card was in and good to go. Anyways, thanks for the explaination Maestro.



Silver Level Poster
Out of interest, why didn't you go with the Killer 1102 card?

I realise the Intel 6300 is 3x3:3 whereas the Killer 1102 is "only" 2x2:2, but in 99% of real world applications, the Killer 1102 is better.


Silver Level Poster
I took the intel because of its more "well known" and therefore there should be less compatibility issues, and better drivers.

Killer 1102 uses a tweaked Atheros chipset... one of the "big boys", so there are no issues with compatibility. Not to mention that 802.11a/b/g/n are industry standard throughout the world.