Some people on these forums LOL


Active member
Its actually makes me laugh to see the amount of people, who ask for advice, along the lines of.

I want to play games on low/med
Here is my specs

Intel i7 Quad Core
2* AMD6850 Crossfire
2tb hdd

Price £1500

Can i play games on Low/High?

Guys, ladies, you dont have to select the highest priced components to play games.

You can easily get a gaming system for £600.

Anyone else see what im talking about?


Hmm - personally I wouldn't say there's much of that.

You're always going to see more high spec systems appearing on the forums because those who buy them are usually into their tech and as such more likely to join the forum.

That said you get plenty of others too, which is great.

When you're spending alot of money it never hurts to double check. People just want reassurance. If I was buying another PC from here I'd still post it and have more than one pair of eyes look over it, even if I was almost certain the spec was A-OK.


Its actually makes me laugh to see the amount of people, who ask for advice

A fair point about not needing the absolute latest and greatest gear to play games on low/med and maybe that could make somebody think twice about how much money they are investing, but not very nicely said.

I don't know if you've noticed, but many times people on this forum (PCS staff included) advise potential purchasers (while managing to maintain a 'straight face') to downgrade certain items as it's overkill for what they need.

If they (myself included) knew the answer :confused:, then they wouldn't "ask for advice".

......excuse me while I see if I can get the ALT+F4 combo to work. If I can't, I'll maybe "ask for advice".


OK Hayhob, we are all dumb asses and we make you laugh.

Meanwhile us lesser mortals will ask for advice if we want to without your approval.

I would hate to think your comments might intimidate someone asking for genuine help and advice.

I was too shy to share my spec, and there was indeed a few fine nuances I needed some help with.

Who knows, if I had shared the spec, I might have achieved an even better system.

If some people want to go to Tesco in a Ferrari, then live and let live I say.
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Silver Level Poster
Its actually makes me laugh to see the amount of people, who ask for advice, along the lines of.

I want to play games on low/med
Here is my specs

Intel i7 Quad Core
2* AMD6850 Crossfire
2tb hdd

Price £1500

Can i play games on Low/High?

Guys, ladies, you dont have to select the highest priced components to play games.

You can easily get a gaming system for £600.

Anyone else see what im talking about?

Did you ever think some people aren't computer savvy or are upgrading after a number of years or are coming from a console back ground?

There are so many different components and configurations that can affect a system in both price and performance does it really hurt to double check before parting with your cash?


Well-known member
Agree with all the above (apart from the 1st post!)
Mind you i wonder with some of the REALLY expensive specs being posted if there is a bit of one upmanship going on.....


Mind you I wonder with some of the REALLY expensive specs being posted if there is a bit of one upmanship going on...

Oh no doubt lmao. But we're here to make people feel good about their (expensive) new toys too. :D


Super Star
I can see where he's coming from, lets face it, if your looking to buy a new computer, and you dont know much about them, you're not going to instantly see this site and think, I know, im not going to bother looking for any other sites to compare prices and specifications, unless you know atleast enough about computers to be able to choose a custom build. Elaborating upon this, when you then start looking at other computers, and see ones for £500 etc, and come on here to build one for £1000+ you'd imagine, if you had no idea about the components, you'd either A, ask for advice on a build before even putting one together at all, or B, research on the internet about them, rather then picking among the most expensive peices and then asking if it will run everything on high, which, considering you'd have just been looking at computers for around £500, you'd expect your £1700 build too cook you breakfast in the morning.

Basically, what im trying to get at, which I notice from day to day in the real world, is people lack the ability to be independant, they want to be told what to do and how to do it, all it takes is a little bit of common sense and your good to go, rather than "I know nothing about computers so im going to pick a really expensive build, and then hope for the best" why not do some research on the worlds favourite search engine, for 20 - 30 minutes, and you will know all you need to know. My friend for example yesterday, bought a game he enjoyed at my house, text me later that day to tell me the multiplayer wouldnt run, so told him to search the problem, all he could reply to me was "but i wouldn't know what to search." - why not start by typing in the problem.....

My rant over :D


Author Level
OK Hayhob, we are all dumb asses and we make you laugh.

Meanwhile us lesser mortals will ask for advice if we want to without your approval.

I would hate to think your comments might intimidate someone asking for genuine help and advice.

I was too shy to share my spec, and there was indeed a few fine nuances I needed some help with.

Who knows, if I had shared the spec, I might have achieved an even better system.

If some people want to go to Tesco in a Ferrari, then live and let live I say.

OK ok, I can see where this thread is going to go if I dont keep an eye on it... let's keep this civilised.