Steam-Sale impulse buys.


Gold Level Poster
Anyone else on here with more money than sense?

Seems everytime Steam has a sale, I get suckered into buying titles. I have so many now that i'm pretty sure if I played 12 hours a day, i'd not be done with them before something else that I wanted came out (Diablo III) xD

Usu's Steam

I linked my Steam list JUST over a month ago on the forums here, and as you can see, it had hardly anything on it xD

I just bought the Sims 3 collection for about £100 on their 50% off Autumn sale.

Do I need help? Does anyone else have an impulse buy fetish for Steam games? I guess it's better than collecting stamps.

Edit: Yes, I had Sims 3 base game as a stand-alone title. I also had Fallout: New Vegas etc already on Xbox 360 & re-purchased them on Steam along with all their DLCs lol


Member Resting in Peace
I used to be the same until I realised half the games I have I'll probably never finish
& I got bored with most of the others after about 20 minutes,
so no more impulse buying. :)


Superhero Level Poster
I've been very good this Autumn sale...but that is only because I know I will be crushed in the coming Christmas sale :D


Well-known member
I've got a lot better at resisting. The killer for me is buying several copies of multi player games so I don't have to wait for my friends to buy them :oops:

Evil Tactician

Gold Level Poster
I've resisted most of the Steam Sales this time around on the same grounds: I have tons of games I've never even played. There just isn't enough time in a day nowadays to stay on top of it all.

Steam Profile


Gold Level Poster
Oh God yes. I don't think I've completed a single game on my steam, and I used to be a bit of completionist!

Back when I was a console gamer, I used to complete pretty much every title I purchased. There's so many good games coming out every month that it's almost impossible for me now. I get half way through one game & start wanting to play something else I have xD

Also lol @ pr1s0ner, i've been exactly the same. I bought 2 copies of Dead Island pre-order, then bought a third for another friend a little while after it came out. Paid full price for all 3, didn't have the forsight to even get the four pack. I did the exact same thing with Dungeon Defenders with the exact same two friends, lol but it's all good, they've bought me a couple of games back. =)

Also I paid full price for L.A.Noire on Steam pre-order, then they put it 50% off less than 2 weeks after it came out on Steam! I've not even started playing it yet, I huffed my cheeks out like a Jigglypuff at that one! *HMMPH*