Urgent problem with PCS's product quality.


Prolific Poster
Hi guys I was just wondering if any of you can help. I always find the guys at PCS really useful, so maybe (hopefully) one of them will read this and be able to help me out.

I've had my PC for 9 months now and I've noticed this problem getting worse and worse all the time.

It's actually got so bad now that it's beginning to impact on my daily routine - I wasn't actually that bothered by it and was willing to live with it right up until this point.

So anyway, there's loads of you in here so I figured some of you might be able to help before I go ahead and lodge a formal complaint with PCS, they're usually dead
good so if I can solve it here first then that's a bonus (although I'm sure they'd be happy to help also!)

I've tried a number of things so far and nothing has really seemed to work, but basically the problem is that my computer is too fast and I don't have enough time to go and make my cup of tea whilst it boots up.

Does anybody know how to slow it down and if so can they tell me? I keep thinking there must have been some mistake with the build or the drive or something. Tea is a very important part of my life and PCS are ruining it for me I'm sure they must be liable for something - but I've checked my warranty and theres nothing in there that mentions covering this.

Help appreciated...


The BSOD Doctor
I understand your problem, life is just not the same without tea, right? I think you'll find that if you tie a knot in the power cord you will slow down the electrons reaching your PC and that will of course slow everything down. It needs to be a proper sailor knot ;) not one of those scrappy things you see landlubbers tying. I would suggest you start with a good old-fashioned reef knot, don't pull it too tight at first you need to see how much of a speed difference it makes. You can gradually pull it tighter (slowing the electrons down even more) until you get the speed you want. It's best if you tie the knot near the PC, that way the electrons won't have time to speed up again before they're inside. Of course, this being a PCS built PC one knot may not slow it down enough, so don't be afraid to tie a second or even third knot in the cable if you need to. It may be of course that your PC is so fast you don't have enough cable to tie enough knots. In that case contact PCS and ask for the longer cable, tell them you want at least a five-knot cable.

I hope that helps? :)


I think there are a few solutions to the problem.

Firstly - Instant Tea

Secondly - Instant hot water

Thirdly (and probably the best solution) - Beer

crisis uk

Silver Level Poster
I actually started reading this and taking it seriosuly lol. I was like "no way, how can PCS have done something so bad that this guy feels that he has to file a formal complaint"

Job well done sir


Master Poster

Digging out your old Amstrad will fix this. Games are in there thousands and available for naff all on ebay. Copying games is encouraged and you can even easily code your own. Games take anything up to 30 mins to load and not only can you make a pot of tea but your entire cooked meal. Maybe even fit in some house hold chores. Then by the time its loaded you'll feel full and refreshed ready to take on the world. Sometimes if your lucky a game will fail to load and youll need to restart the process. Thus giving you ample time to make another brew or fix the shed door you've been meaning to do for the past year. Give PCS a call and reccomend an Amstrad cpc 464. Or if budget is a little tight , enquire about the Spectrum Z4.


Staff member
(changed to clarify) Nathan thought it was a serious thread then!
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Bright Spark
I don't have this problem as I drink coffee.

I have heard that Electricity distribution companies solve it by reducing the voltage from 33000 volts to 240 volts specifically to slow your computer. If it hasn't worked then contact their tea trolley lady.

Another solution might be to cool down the computer which will stop the electrons from getting too exited and taking control of the computer. Be aware though that cooling it too much could result in the computer actually needing no power at all and even unplugging it will not help you.

Or you could change the SSD for a 200Gb Maxtor sata drive circa 2004. Even W7 tells me it is too slow.


The BSOD Doctor
Why do you all seem to be taking the mick out of my post?

That's not very fair. Some of us have racked our brains to come up with perfectly workable solutions to your problem. You could at least say "thank you". :innocent:


Prolific Poster
Oh alright. Thanks guys. 5 knot cable it is! MoosEH, if you'd be so kind as to ship one out to me.


Staff member

Digging out your old Amstrad will fix this. Games are in there thousands and available for naff all on ebay. Copying games is encouraged and you can even easily code your own. Games take anything up to 30 mins to load and not only can you make a pot of tea but your entire cooked meal. Maybe even fit in some house hold chores. Then by the time its loaded you'll feel full and refreshed ready to take on the world. Sometimes if your lucky a game will fail to load and youll need to restart the process. Thus giving you ample time to make another brew or fix the shed door you've been meaning to do for the past year. Give PCS a call and reccomend an Amstrad cpc 464. Or if budget is a little tight , enquire about the Spectrum Z4.

Rickne ill see what PCS thinks about that. I think personally it would sell out too fast!


Silver Level Poster
LOL very funny post!!! I nearly fell for it!!!! In Asia, they make the coffee or tea for you while your in the Café!!! you don't need to move from the desk!!!! Go to Pakistan where there are constant power shortages!!!!you may find it takes 18 hours to boot up your PC!!!! it does not matter how fast your pc is!!!!!! You had my wife in stiches!!!!

PS I am impressed how quickly my pc boots up as well takes 12 sec in total from POST so well done PCS!!!!!


I understand your problem, life is just not the same without tea, right? I think you'll find that if you tie a knot in the power cord you will slow down the electrons reaching your PC and that will of course slow everything down. It needs to be a proper sailor knot ;) not one of those scrappy things you see landlubbers tying. I would suggest you start with a good old-fashioned reef knot, don't pull it too tight at first you need to see how much of a speed difference it makes. You can gradually pull it tighter (slowing the electrons down even more) until you get the speed you want. It's best if you tie the knot near the PC, that way the electrons won't have time to speed up again before they're inside. Of course, this being a PCS built PC one knot may not slow it down enough, so don't be afraid to tie a second or even third knot in the cable if you need to. It may be of course that your PC is so fast you don't have enough cable to tie enough knots. In that case contact PCS and ask for the longer cable, tell them you want at least a five-knot cable.

I hope that helps? :)

Interesting. Are you an electrical engineer?

Do you think this could be a similar problem with my broadband (see below)....

It makes me think you've hit on something, because when I phoned my ISP and asked if they could increase my BB speed, they told me to "get knotted!" :mad:


Gold Level Poster
It makes me think you've hit on something, because when I phoned my ISP and asked if they could increase my BB speed, they told me to "get knotted!" :mad:
Come now, do you expect us to believe that you have actually spoken to a human bean at Sky?


The BSOD Doctor
Interesting. Are you an electrical engineer?

No I'm a sailor. :sailor:

Do you think this could be a similar problem with my broadband (see below)....

It makes me think you've hit on something, because when I phoned my ISP and asked if they could increase my BB speed, they told me to "get knotted!" :mad:

Well, it depends on how you get your broadband. Regular cable suffers from the "knot" problem mentioned above, so if your provider uses cable you need to ask them for their "knot ratio", this is a measure of the delays caused by electrons having to negotiate tight bends etc. Fibre-optic cable transmits data via photons (in the visible spectrum) and since photons have no mass they are unaffected by knots or kinks in the cable. (Though knots and kinks in fibre-optic cable tends to destroy the fibres). If you use wifi then the data is also transmitted via photons (though in the radio spectrum) but their lack of mass makes it difficult for your wifi antenna to "grab" them from the ether and I suspect that this is the cause of your poor bandwidth. You can improve the effectiveness of your antenna by getting some sticky tape (duck tape is best) and wrapping it sticky-side out around your antenna - yes it is a tricky job, but well worth it. The sticky tape helps to capture the photons streaming through the ether and directs them down into your receiver, thus improving your bandwidth.

Do post some pictures of your duck-taped antenna and I'll show you how by introducing little-known kinks and folds into the duck tape you can capture even more photons and massively improve your wifi bandwidth.

By the way kids, don't try this at home. ;)