Urgent problem with PCS's product quality.


Gold Level Poster
But ubuysa you seem to have completed forgotten the gravitational effect of "Hawkin's Radiation". If a particle has energy then it will have mass! Also the original post here was trying to slow things down, not speed them up.
I off to make the tea!


The BSOD Doctor
But ubuysa you seem to have completed forgotten the gravitational effect of "Hawkin's Radiation". If a particle has energy then it will have mass! Also the original post here was trying to slow things down, not speed them up.
I off to make the tea!

In the words of Fagin, "I'm reviewing the situation".....

Enjoy your tea. :)


Active member
Speedy boot up is indeed a problem. I was drinking my coffee very early yesterday when the ISP engineer arrived as expected, so switched on my new PC. After many seconds of his staring at the screen and him not doing anything and me about to get my second cup, I asked if he'd like some coffee too to bring him back to the here and now. He declined, asking me "Has it loaded yet?" Cue me almost spluttering coffee. The moral of the story is that it's better to drink tea as it's easier to clean up.


You can improve the effectiveness of your antenna by getting some sticky tape (duck tape is best) and wrapping it sticky-side out around your antenna - yes it is a tricky job, but well worth it. The sticky tape helps to capture the photons streaming through the ether and directs them down into your receiver, thus improving your bandwidth.

Epic! :D

I thought I had the problem sorted. I bought some double-sided sticky tape, so I could fix the tape to the antenna and still have a sticky surface on the outside. This worked initially, as I noticed a significant increase in speed. However, my joy was short lived, as after a few hours I returned to my pc and to my horror I found the antenna was covered in flies. The flies must have seen the additional photons gathering around my antenna, and thought they'd have themselves an easy meal. The flies then got stuck on the extra sticky double-sided-sticky-tape :taz:

I guess I'll try it again in the winter when there are less flies.