At this rate I will never get my PC


Bronze Level Poster
I have been trying to hold off posting on here, but I have just about had enough.
First the case I wanted went out of stock and would have to wait to the end of the month,(CORSAIR OBSIDIAN SERIES™ 650D GAMING CASE)
Then earlier this week the CPU I wanted is out of stock and still currently shows that on my order,(Intel® Core™i7-2700k Quad Core)
NOW I get an email saying the Graphics card is now out of stock and my order has been in pre-production for almost a week. (GEFORCE GTX 590)

This is not filling me with confidence that I will get my PC any time soon......

Anyone else had this issue?


Prolific Poster
well the 590 is rare, literally a handful come into the country each week so getting hold of one is quite hard work. But out of stock issues really cant be helped. Not sure what you are aiming to achieve by posting? Other than other people saying yes / no


Unfortunately the gtx 590 is always out of stock. Any that we get are already ordered and immediately used, so never actually go into stock. There are no plans to increase production form nvidia and the uk gets roughly about 20 cards in total each week. If you have ordered this card then it is similar to orderging a top of the range car such as audi rx-8 or range rover evoque. There is a long delay. If you want your pc quickly then change the gtx 590 for a gtx 580.


Bronze Level Poster
They have had my order now since the beginning of the month and things are going out of stock, Just wondering if it is normal for things to constantly every other day a component to go out of stock when it is in pre-production?


components go in and out of stock every day. When an item runs out of stock it goes out of stock, then we get a delivery and it goes back into stock:)


Bronze Level Poster
If that is the case, may be a note when selecting the product that this may be the case so people know if a product has this kind of issue and could increase production time.


Superhero Level Poster
That choice of GPU is always going to hold up your order, it was listed as a pre order item for a long time, im not sure why thats no longer the case. The case and CPU should be back in stock well before you get a 590 for your build.

A single 580 is enough for most people, and 2 580's in SLI is an option if you are looking for the best of the best.