Final Fantasy XIV Open Beta


Silver Level Poster
Reason it usually says that is because the mobs present are part of someones Leve quest and as such only the player on that quest can attack them, and you cant use xbox controllers via play and charge kit wire etc sadly ;( only alternative is bluetooth adaptar you can buy for them to work or buy a wired xbox controller.

wired controller not wireless ;)


Silver Level Poster
i'll post that video tomorrow when ive leveled up a bit more & got some new abilities, might be a bit poop posting a video with just the basic starting abilities lol


Silver Level Poster

So far I hate the controls.
There are just terrible.

Even Guild Wars control are much better and easier to use.

The game it self can't be compared to FFXI.
The only other MMORG that come close to the feel is Guild Wars.
But this is one complex controls and, the difficulty I'm having with it.
I can say the game it self seems to be complex.

Now this could work in its favour.
With the complexity of the game, it can offer a whole new level of game play.
But this could be a bad thing for new MMORPG players.

I hope for the love of god there add Control pad support on the official release.


New member
Graphics, Enviroments, attention to details/clip scenes are truely amazing for an MMO a big let down for me though is the no jump option, lack of quest information IE poorly described destnination location/no quest icons shown on npc you need to interact with, Map is really tacky and you can not view the whole of the area without actually running closer to your destination making the full screen map move, Really slow combat and i find the UI/Character equipment/skill page really small and very rushed. I will however give this game a good try out for the first month see what changes and where the game takes you, and if it fails that it's back to looking/waiting for another MMO that will hopefully make me quit wow! :p.


The controls are definitely putting me off buying this... Have they made any improvements in the Open Beta?


Apparently there might be a hardware mouse on the way, but the controls arent really that bad once you get used to them and map your controller right, they just in my opinion need to make the whole menu system faster and easier, cause sorting through items and selling them aswell as swapping gear can feel a choir they need to go back to a similar ffxi system.

The hardware mouse is actually build into the game they just havent enabled it there is a way to enable it listed on the net just gotta do it at your own peril lol.


Silver Level Poster
You do quest though the guildleaves and will appear in your quest log.
You go to them funny looking crystal stuff at camps to start them, and it will show up on the map as a glowing yellow spot.
It will tell you what to do and some times have a kill count depending on the quest.


Silver Level Poster
I use the logitech cordless rumble pad II and it works like a dream.

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