Gta 5


Superhero Level Poster
watched the trailer for Online tonight.

I haven't played/liked GTA really since 3 (grew out of it maybe?)...but wow that looks fun/in depth! :D

Jack Guinea

Bright Spark
For those who don't know, multiplayer will be coming out on October 1st and if you wanted to you can buy multiplayer without having to buy the single player part, those who buy GTA 5 get multiplayer for free.


Bronze Level Poster
Am i the only 1 getting a bit bored of the GTA V pc situation now. I do find it odd how not only the PC is set to miss out, but the PS4/XBONE as well. We've seen before when PS3 was launched, how games were launched on PS2 as well, charged a few more quid for very little difference. Considering how big this game will be, i find it quite strange. We could all be wrong and it might launch on next gen. What annoys me is how little info Rockstar seem to feed. Nothing from them has been made 100% clear, and there have been hints that it might make an appearance on next gen at "some point". It's all if's and maybe's with them. If they are going to launch on any other console, tell us and stop dragging it out. It's not clever, just annoying


Master Poster
lol when Gran turismo comes to pc let me know ;) Also I aint waiting for another shoddy GTA port to pc. IV was bad. Not Sainst Row 2 bad but still bad.


IV wasn't bad. I don't know why it got such a bad rap (except for the GfWL integration, but that's hardly a unique flaw). It ran comfortably on medium-high @ 1080p on my old machine, which was an E8400 @ 4GHz with a GTX260.


Rising Star
I am selling my console and all its stuff now so I will be a pure pc guy, so I really hope gta iv comes to pc - I don't see why it wouldn't.


I am selling my console and all its stuff now so I will be a pure pc guy, so I really hope gta iv comes to pc - I don't see why it wouldn't.

Keeping my PS for exclusives, and GTA of course, Y'never know how long the wait will be or even if it will come to PC and I don't wanna miss out.


Prolific Poster
I think it will come to PC eventually. There's already enough rumours flying around that it is. There's too much money to be made for them not to port it. Also, given that consoles are now pretty much smaller PCs - porting is becoming easier and easier.


It was the controls that got the flak. Combat sucked.
I loved the driving, unlike a lot of others, but yeah the combat wasn't great. Functional... just :p

I am selling my console and all its stuff now so I will be a pure pc guy, so I really hope gta iv comes to pc - I don't see why it wouldn't.
This was me a year ago. Funny thing is, I still play console games fairly often as I know a lot of people who still have consoles. I've got about 60 hours on Halo 4 without owning a 360.


Master Poster
I loved the driving, unlike a lot of others, but yeah the combat wasn't great. Functional... just :p

This was me a year ago. Funny thing is, I still play console games fairly often as I know a lot of people who still have consoles. I've got about 60 hours on Halo 4 without owning a 360.

Good thing Saints Row The Thirds combat is fantastic even on keyboard. Cant wait for IV :)


It will be coming out on PC but not for a few months after the release of console, which is why I cannot wait that long :p
pre-ordered mine last night so might come saturday but defintely by monday.