New Homepage Design Live!


Staff member
We've been working on a new homepage design for several weeks now and have finally put this live. It's only the middle part of our homepage, not the whole website.

What does everyone think? Do you like the new design more than the original? (I hope so :p) Is there anything missing, or anything that could be improved? Any bugs?

Any feedback, whether positive or negative will be appreicated! :)


Wow! I just mentioned this in my review and it turns out you guys were already working on it haha!

That looks so much better - not that it looked bad beforehand, but that's a definite improvement. :)
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Staff member
Under the "Specialist Desktop PCs" and "Custom Desktop PCs" section there are specific landing pages designed around the feature or technology you are entering. Which ones do you guys like best, and least? :)


Prolific Poster
It looks awesome, I really like the way you've put up seperate catagories for everything. With the middle looking so cool you should update the rest of the page especially the outdated icons on the left for choosing a desktop/laptop/mini pc/overclocked PC. Maybe something with cool LED's like the Antec 902 for the desktop icon. The AMD gaming pc banner used looks awesome ^_^
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Author Level
I like the flight sim front screen pic with the wing of the plane, purrfect for CAD design too, looks sleek and professional


Just out of interest, was it a member(s) of the PCS staff that put this togeather?
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Haven't been on the homepage for a while now. Middle section looks really nice, where do you get all the pictures from?


Staff member
We produced some ourself, and others we buy from a royalty free image bank.



Not sure whether this has been reported before so I thought I might notify you guys here.

When I spec a computer using the 'build your own desktop' option (top left on home page), everything works. However, when I spec a computer using any of the 'Custom Desktop PC', 'Custom Laptops', 'OverClocked Computers' options (in the middle on home page), the 'System Summary' window disappears. That is, the system summary windows shows up at first, but when I change any variables in the drop down menus, the summary window disappears.

I am not sure whether this has something to do with my screen size/resolution - am using a netbook at the moment :( - or whether there is some faulty code somewhere.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you guys know.
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Author Level
I think this is a little bug that needs ironing out, I thought it was just me in certain sessions, but seems not to be the case!


Staff member
First time we've heard about it, and I cannot get this to replicate. What OS/browsers are you using?

And to confirm, are you referring to the "system summary" box on the right hand side, the box that displays the current configured price? Do the green live support and pink forum images also disappear?


What OS/browsers are you using?
I am using Windows 7 Starter version and Internet Explorer.

And to confirm, are you referring to the "system summary" box on the right hand side, the box that displays the current configured price? Do the green live support and pink forum images also disappear?
Yes, that is what i am referring to, and yes those images/boxes disappear too.

To clarify: I can still select different components from the menus and when i click on 'Proceed', my selections have indeed been made. It is just that the above mentioned boxes disappear.

Just tried it out again with the same results. The odd thing is (as stated above) that everything works perfectly well if I use the 'build your own desktop option'.

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